Ok, onto other things...
Well, sometimes my comments are there, sometimes not. Strange. I've emailed the adminsitrator of the site i am using to host my comments section, to see if he knows what the problem is. In the meantime, if you do see a place to leave comments, please feel free to leave them! :)
Onto other things-they are testing the fire alarms and sprinkler systems here at the library this week. Well, while I was upstairs in the stacks collecting some Deweys to work on, I passed by a container labeled 'Dry Smoke'. (they use this to test the sprinkler system-they put it in a small container on a larger pole, and stick it on the sprinkler-if the sprinkler is working correctly, it turns on, and the water is contained in the container...at least that's how i think it works) Anyho, on the container it says 'leaves no residue or powder' and fills the air with a 'nice, refreshing, clean scent'. Well, that 'nice, refreshing, clean scent' is this overpowering lemoney smell. *blah* :p Ok, i know that must be boring, but i wanted to write something other than 'this is just a test', and since i am still at work, i don't have much time to write anything else! ;)
gotta run, hopefully i'll get my comments section straightened out soon!
Onto other things-they are testing the fire alarms and sprinkler systems here at the library this week. Well, while I was upstairs in the stacks collecting some Deweys to work on, I passed by a container labeled 'Dry Smoke'. (they use this to test the sprinkler system-they put it in a small container on a larger pole, and stick it on the sprinkler-if the sprinkler is working correctly, it turns on, and the water is contained in the container...at least that's how i think it works) Anyho, on the container it says 'leaves no residue or powder' and fills the air with a 'nice, refreshing, clean scent'. Well, that 'nice, refreshing, clean scent' is this overpowering lemoney smell. *blah* :p Ok, i know that must be boring, but i wanted to write something other than 'this is just a test', and since i am still at work, i don't have much time to write anything else! ;)
gotta run, hopefully i'll get my comments section straightened out soon!