tacos and other things

Doctor Who Quote of the Moment: "Would you like a jellybab...no, I don't think you would, would you? ;)" -the Fourth Doctor

You're traveling through another dimension --
a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of chaulpas.
A journey into a wondrous land
whose boundaries are only that of imagination and taco sauce.
That's a signpost up ahead, your next stop:
the Taconight Zone!

Ta co ta co, Ta co ta co...
(taco email submitted by Jerm)

I haven't decided yet if I will be posting these on taco night, or the day after, or if I will post every single one-but, keep an eye out for them, and hopefully you will be amused as much as we are every week! Thanks, Jerm!

Oh, and special mention goes out to Persephone -she kicked our butts in Settlers last night, without longest road! You go girl! And Jerm won his first game of Killer Bunnies last night-i think he likes it! LOL. ;)

Just in case you are curious as to what my 'Doctor Who Quote of the Moment' (from here on out, abbreviated the D.W.Q.M.) is, well, in some of the blogs I read, I've noticed a mood indicator, which I think is kinda neat. I decided to try to find quotes from Doctor Who that fit my mood, to keep with the "theme" of my blog. :) Of course, they won't always be an exact match to my mood (like some will just be to show what a nerd i am. LOL), and some may be repeated (hey, if it fits the mood, why not?) but I hope you will nevertheless be amused!
