
Showing posts from 2011

Merry Christmas!

Just a quick post to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!! I've got some more baking to do, so I better get back to it! *hee* Well, it looks like once again my New Years Resolution will be to post in this blog more! 0:-) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

DWFO: "This Is Gallifrey/ Vale Decem"

Here's a little something I contributed to over late summer/early fall. :)

I'd Walk 500 Miles!

I'd Walk 500 Miles! : The video from which this came from has finally been put online for public viewing! It was originally made for the cast's eyes only and was part of Russell T Davies' farewell, but here it is!! From me: I'm trying out the 'Send to' feature in Google reader. The first test was a dud, but the second was ok-trying again with the original item I was trying to send. This time there is actual content in the title and body of the post. (first time there wasn't) Despite me being upset over some of Google's changes to Reader-this might actually be an okay one. I can post an article from my reader to any of my blogs, then add my own comments on the same post. Ok, that's pretty neat. Can't add a tag, though-wonder if it's something I can edit later... This vid, in a word: AWESOME. :) UPDATE: why, yes-not only can I edit to the post to add tags, but I can edit my font as well. A bit cumbersome, but I guess it will do for now. ...

Gillan Will Welcome New Companion

Gillan Will Welcome New Companion : Karen Gillan has said she will welcome the next Doctor Who companion “with open arms” when her time is up on the show. Speaking on G Read more ... Just trying out a feature from Google Reader-maybe this one will work...

Just trying something new

Dance, Timelord, Dance!!!

The Pig with the Froggy Tattoo

Thanksgiving cannot get here fast enough: If you haven't seen the trailer this was parodied after, you can check out the original Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trailer here . Special thanks to Den of Geek for posting this. You guys rock!

The Great Pumpkin Addiction

My name is Romana, and I have a pumpkin problem. :) I don't know when, or how it started, but in the past few months, I have come to realize that I have a problem. ;) I love pumpkins!! I already have the Libbys pumpkin for Thanksgiving and Christmas pies. Last weekend I went to the Country Living Fair down in Columbus with my friends Bob& Julie. Of course, this was my favorite display: (by the way, this was a really cool trip-will have to post more about this before the season is over ;)) I was the one who insisted on trying to grow pumpkins in the Garden@Case-since the garden was new this year, we didn't really know what to expect-certainly not this! At one point we had 5 pumpkins growing-unfortunately, two rotted out, and a third was picked and then tossed on the sidewalk by vandals. *arrrg* I really, really wanted the surviving pumpkin, so with the help of my coworkers, we brought this bad boy home! We weighed the pumpkin using my bathroom scale-it is about 85 pounds!!!...

The Perseids

Sky & Telescope illustration  Don't forget, the Perseids peak tonight!!! Some observing hints from Sky & Telescope:   "The Perseid meteors appear to stream away from the shower's "radiant" point near the border of Perseus and Cassiopeia. This is the perspective point where they would all appear to be coming from if you could see them approaching in the far distance. In fact we see them only in the last second or two as they streak into Earth's upper atmosphere, and this can happen anywhere in your sky. Under dark-sky conditions, you may see an average of one a minute around the time of the shower's peak." For more info about this year's display, check out Off Year for the Perseids

The Feast

Hey Blogger, what's up with you today?  I can only access my blogs in draft mode-that kinda sucks. :p At least you still work with dial up (sorta-you're very slow.) *sigh* If this is eventually going to be the new Blogger, I'm not sure how I like the layout of things... Well, after that major hot spell we had back in July, I decided it was time to dig out my A/C from storage.  Hadn't used it since I left Coventry back in 2007!  (My co-worker Brian called me 'hard core'.  LOL)  Yeah, the heat wave was just too much this time around... Now to my main points-the Feast starts tomorrow night!!!  We'll have our usual walk around the neighborhood starting at 6, then we will have a sitdown concert around quarter after 8.  That's the plan for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Monday, the 15th (and the last day of the Feast) we'll have our usual morning procession, walk around the neighborhood in the evening, then the evening procession after 9.  (a...

wild weather day

Those in the Cleveland area-where were you when that crazy storm blew in around 4pm? Sharon and I were in the stacks on the third floor of the library when it happened. We watched the clouds roll in extremely fast, with some pretty impressive flashes of lightning. Didn't have my camera but did have my cell phone. Here are a couple of pictures I uploaded to Twitpic: 3rd floor KSL, facing west This one's my favorite: 3rd floor KSL, facing north When I got home, one of my pots of rose moss had tipped over (it's ok!) and my lantern lights were on. What's the big deal with the lights you say? Well, they are on a solar timer-when the sun goes down, they switch on for a few hours. It was so dark because of the storm, they switched on!! And no, that doesn't always happen when we get thunderstorms during the day. I think it happened at least once before earlier this summer. Well, the air has cooled a little bit-my house is still warm, but it's at least a bit more tolerab...

plants and other things...

YUCK! It is waaaay too hot!! The heat index was at least 113 today. Bleh. No way I could walk home in this weather. (thank you Ron and Michele for the ride home!!!) . You know what's worse? The weather in Minnesota-we've only been at this extreme heat for about a day-they have been like this for a while now-along with the rest of the midwest. Gah! Not sure if this extreme heat is good for my plants-can't get out and water them fast enough!!! Speaking of plants, I've decided to devote this post to them-since I haven't done that in a while-sure this post would be more interesting with more photos-perhaps I will add some later. ;) (although I have posted some to my Twitter account , or, for more direct access, check out my Twitpic ) This year my outdoor container garden consists of most of the same plants I had last year-with the exception of no pumpkin or cucumber attempts. The marigolds are slightly different in terms of blooms, but the colors are still the same (ye...

Game of Thrones Violin Cover

Wow...just...WOW. :) Must...get...soundtrack....

Happy 4th!

Happy Fourth of July everyone!!! Not surprisingly, once again I neglected this blog for a month. Gah! As I'm typing this, I hear my next door neighbor's radio blasting-wow, I haven't heard that song since the 80s/early 90s. That takes me back... ;) Tomorrow I'll be playing at the Shore Acres Fourth of July parade with the Italian Band. Hopefully I'll get the chance to see fireworks tomorrow night. :) Well, I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday! If it's gonna be sunny, don't forget your sunscreen! (I've already had too much sun this weekend!) LOL.


Well, I didn't get everything that I would have liked to have finished for Marcon 46. That's okay, though-Julie was kind enough to lend me a back-up skirt, just in case I didn't finish mine. I did complete my first sewing project! (well, first since Home Ec in the 7th grade). I made a little draw-stringed purse, which I will use with my Steampunk costume this weekend. This project was trial and error...mostly errors. ;) It took awhile, but I did finish it!! This project helped me become more familiar with my sewing machine, and now that I know I can use it properly, future projects will seem less daunting. (well, that's my hope, anyway.) ;-D I'll post some pictures soon. I also have to debut my new toy-the Fourth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver!! I'm sooo excited! I've wanted one for years, but they were always out of my price range. (most were collector/model types). Character Options debuted their version earlier this year. Late last year they debuted the ...

Busy Bee

Things to do this weekend: -update blogs (yes, plural) -clean house (gah, I hate cleaning-what I hate more is a messy place) -laundry (blarrggg, but I do like wearing clean clothes...) -empty outdoor flower pots, bring up outdoor decos and summer lights -get to the garden store to refill soon-to-be empty pots :-D -work on mock-up skirt, as well as other crafty projects -catch up on dvr showings...once again I'm over 90% full. Hard to believe I was actually down to the mid sixties before the new year. -READ!!! Uggh, I haven't had time to read! I wanna be farther along into A Clash of Kings and I've had to renew more than one manga twice already!! That never happens! -get cards in the mail. (I'm already late with Mother's Day cards and 2 birthday cards. Hopefully my niece T's card will actually be on time.) Seriously, there is not enough time in the weekend. Although, as I have come to the sad reality that a long vacation up north might not be a possibility ...

pondering in the middle of the night...

...can be a bad thing. ;) Ahhh, insommnia is a crazy thing. Still haven't posted a tribute to Elisabeth Sladen yet-but I am working on one... I need to post more! I've got several projects coming up that I can post about-Sunday I'm getting a sewing lesson! I've got some costuming ideas for Marcon at the end of this month-so if I want to make them happen, I have to get going on the sewing! ;) I need to decide what I'm going to try to grow on my back porch this year-I think I'm going to stick to flowers and foilage-as the vegetable experiment didn't work out too well last year...although I still might try to grow tomatoes in a pot. *yawwwwn* Getting sleepy-but before I go, I just want to say Congrats to Perseph and Paul-they are going to have a little boy in the fall!! :) :)

RIP Elisabeth Sladen Right now I am incredibly sad and at a loss for words. Sarah Jane was my favorite Doctor Who companion, and I absolutely adored The Sarah Jane Adventures . I can't believe she is really gone. I will probably be writing up a tribute of my own within the next couple of days, but for now... Farewell, Sarah Jane Smith. Rest in peace, Elisabeth Sladen.

Relay and Obi-Wan....

Howdy folks! I am writing this post from my "new" (as in, refurbished), computer, Obi-Wan! Yes, after many years, I finally got a new computer. Yoda has been good to me-he has lasted much longer than any normal computer would (in fact, he still is running, and can even get on the net, as I still am currently using dial up). He was my first computer when I started college-and although he has had a 'few' upgrades, he essentially remained the same in spirit. ;) There have been a few hiccups, and I am sure there will be many more. But it was time-Yoda could only handle Win98, and I really needed a computer that, at the very least, could handle XP. Even though Windows 7 is now the newest, greatest thing, I currently have XP running on this computer. Now I just need to find something faster than dial up. Rather than just getting high speed internet, I'm considering bundling some services, of which would mean I have to switch to digital phone, and switch my cable. (that...

Lots and Lots of Walking...and Other Projects

Well then, I’m quite behind in my walk reporting... February was quite the snowy month. In fact, I was able to walk more in January. February breakdown: 02/01-02/05: 1.5 miles 02/06-02/12: 3 miles 02/13-02/19: 15.1 miles 02/20-02-26: 12 miles Total: 31.6 miles Actually, if it wasn’t for the fact that I was checking in on my friends’ cats, I might not have even walked that much! So much snow... (not that I’m complaining about snow in February. LOL) The 25th was an interesting day-I was watching the school closings to see if the Cleveland Hts/University Hts school district would be closed (the bus tends to be early when there are no kids), and I never saw Case in the listings. While on the bus, I decided to check Facebook, just for kicks-when I found out that the University had closed!!! Got into the library, turned right around and went home (special thanks to Robin-she gave me a lift so I wouldn’t have to wait for a bus. She is an excellent snow driver!) Snow days are much more e...

a couple of book reviews...

Well! It's almost the end of March and I haven't posted here yet. Shame on me! I know it's probably cheating, but here are a couple of (short) book reviews I did on Goodreads recently: Bleach, Vol. 10: Tattoo on the Sky by Tite Kubo My rating: 4 of 5 stars I really do enjoy Kubo's Bleach. Since I started watching the anime first, I'm much farther along in the overall story, so it is a little strange reading about the first time Ichigo entered the Soul Society to rescue Rukia from execution and seeing those who are now allies as enemies for the first time. Still, it was enjoyable, and I look forward to reading the manga and in the process, refreshing my memory of Ichigo &Co.'s earlier exploits. Spider Bones by Kathy Reichs My rating: 4 of 5 stars 3002283 Although I have only read 3 of Kathy Reichs' Temperance Brennan novels, I have not been disappointed yet. I love how in depth she goes, and yet is able to simplify some of the medical language for he...

Snowpocalypse 2011!!!

...or, as my friend Lee posted, 'Blizznarok'. LOL. Astronomer Phil Plait from Bad Astronomy posted this video that NASA and NOAA made with satellite images from January 31st to February 2nd: Wow! Anyone catch the front cover of the Plain Dealer yesterday? They had a satellite image from Tuesday, with a tiny 'you are here' arrow pointing to Cleveland. Pretty amazing. I was lucky-didn't loose power, and the ice wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been (although I think a combination of the ice and wind took out half a strand of my snowflake lights-I noticed last night that they were out. :() Still, if that's the worst that happened to me, it's nothing. We've got mountains of snow along the streets (thanks plow trucks), so the sidewalks are pretty impassable. It was amazing to see different posts from my friends all around the country-it was like we were all in the same area-it was just difficult to fathom that everyone was experience similar sit...

Walking update

Well, looks like I was a little off with my mileage guesses. ;) Here's the new totals for January: Week of January 2nd: 12 miles Week of January 9th: 15 miles Week of January 16th: 3 miles Week of January 23rd: 8 miles January 31st: 1 mile Total miles for January 2011: 38 (not bad for a winter month!)

Walking into February

It's the last day of January! First, I'd like to say, "GO, PACK, GO!!!" The Packers are going to the SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!! They are playing the Pittsburgh Steelers! Arthur and I are gonna get our co-hosted Superbowl party!!! But more on that later this week. ;) One of the New Years resolutions I forgot to mention was I'd like to keep track of how many miles I walk each week. Here's the count so far (I think): Week of January 2nd: not sure, but I think it's 0 (need to check bus pass) Week of January 9th: 12 miles Week of January 16th: 3 miles Week of January 24th: 7 miles (you get the general idea) The first two weeks of January I'm not sure of at this point-I need to find the bus pass I had at the beginning of the year (if I still have it-I use 5 rides so each of my rides will be marked) and I need to check the weather-we had a bit of a melt down, so the sidewalks were clear for a brief time (biggest problem with walking in winter: wa...

Congrats, Bert Blyleven!

Just wanted to say congrats to new Hall of Famer Bert Blyleven! (Twins pitcher, 11 of his 22 seasons in baseball-including the 1987 World Series!) Cooperstown calls for Alomar, Blyleven Congrats to Alomar, too!! Both well deserving! :)

Welcome, 2011!!!

Happy New Year!!! So I meant to write more while on vacation, but alas, it didn’t turn out that way. ;) I ended up being really busy-I mean, seriously. Since I wasn’t going to Minnesota this year (waahh), I thought this would be a nice, boring, relaxing vacation. Well, it was nice, and relaxing (when I actually had the chace to sit down!) It certainly wasn’t boring! I had a plan-seriously I did-I even had what I was going to do before Christmas all mapped out-just ask my friend Sharon. ;) However, I should have known better. Somethings took a little longer than anticipated, other times I didn’t know how tired I actually was until I woke up from a long (but much needed) nap. LOL. Long phone conversations with family and friends far away. Then there were gatherings with friends here that I hadn’t originally planned (but was certainly not going to turn down!) It seemed I was always on the move. In fact, Monday was the first (and only!) day I didn’t go ANYWHERE. (ended up doing dishes, lau...