pondering in the middle of the night...

...can be a bad thing. ;) Ahhh, insommnia is a crazy thing.

Still haven't posted a tribute to Elisabeth Sladen yet-but I am working on one...

I need to post more! I've got several projects coming up that I can post about-Sunday I'm getting a sewing lesson! I've got some costuming ideas for Marcon at the end of this month-so if I want to make them happen, I have to get going on the sewing! ;)

I need to decide what I'm going to try to grow on my back porch this year-I think I'm going to stick to flowers and foilage-as the vegetable experiment didn't work out too well last year...although I still might try to grow tomatoes in a pot.

*yawwwwn* Getting sleepy-but before I go, I just want to say Congrats to Perseph and Paul-they are going to have a little boy in the fall!! :) :)
