Welcome, 2011!!!
Happy New Year!!!
So I meant to write more while on vacation, but alas, it didn’t turn out that way. ;) I ended up being really busy-I mean, seriously. Since I wasn’t going to Minnesota this year (waahh), I thought this would be a nice, boring, relaxing vacation. Well, it was nice, and relaxing (when I actually had the chace to sit down!) It certainly wasn’t boring!
I had a plan-seriously I did-I even had what I was going to do before Christmas all mapped out-just ask my friend Sharon. ;) However, I should have known better. Somethings took a little longer than anticipated, other times I didn’t know how tired I actually was until I woke up from a long (but much needed) nap. LOL. Long phone conversations with family and friends far away. Then there were gatherings with friends here that I hadn’t originally planned (but was certainly not going to turn down!) It seemed I was always on the move. In fact, Monday was the first (and only!) day I didn’t go ANYWHERE. (ended up doing dishes, laundry, and finally finishing the latest season of “Ice Road Truckers” (the original-the spinoff is still in my dvr-LOL)). BTW-at the start of my vacation, my dvr was 97% full-I got it down to 66%! Woo!
I could list all of my New Years resolutions, but some are on a more personal/private level. So I’ll just list a few that aren’t so personal/private. ;)
-blog more : I’ve had a terrible time writing here the last couple of years, but if I can keep up the trend I started in November, I might actually do ok.
-find a different mode of exercise for when I can’t walk to work (because of the weather or when on vacation) Seriously-walking is awesome-may take a while to get to work, and I might complain sometimes, but I’m not complaining when my jeans feel loose around the waist-and not because they are too stretched out! ;) Gotta find something to supplement when walking on a regular basis is not possible.
-be a better daughter. Seriously, I need to call my Mom more-and not just when I’m not feeling well and need to hear my mother’s voice to make me feel better. ;) (Love you, Mommy!)
Well, I think that’s all for now. I just finished the last episode of Caprica-I have mixed feelings about it-if I can get it together, I might write a review/summary of it...although I’m terrible at writing reviews-I’m still trying to write a review of Prophecy of the Kings which I finished reading a week ago. 0:-)
Before I go, I’ll leave you with a couple of pictures of my Christmas Village and Christmas Tree for 2010. Hopefully I’ll get around to posting more pics before February. LOL!
(click pics for a slightly bigger image)

So I meant to write more while on vacation, but alas, it didn’t turn out that way. ;) I ended up being really busy-I mean, seriously. Since I wasn’t going to Minnesota this year (waahh), I thought this would be a nice, boring, relaxing vacation. Well, it was nice, and relaxing (when I actually had the chace to sit down!) It certainly wasn’t boring!
I had a plan-seriously I did-I even had what I was going to do before Christmas all mapped out-just ask my friend Sharon. ;) However, I should have known better. Somethings took a little longer than anticipated, other times I didn’t know how tired I actually was until I woke up from a long (but much needed) nap. LOL. Long phone conversations with family and friends far away. Then there were gatherings with friends here that I hadn’t originally planned (but was certainly not going to turn down!) It seemed I was always on the move. In fact, Monday was the first (and only!) day I didn’t go ANYWHERE. (ended up doing dishes, laundry, and finally finishing the latest season of “Ice Road Truckers” (the original-the spinoff is still in my dvr-LOL)). BTW-at the start of my vacation, my dvr was 97% full-I got it down to 66%! Woo!
I could list all of my New Years resolutions, but some are on a more personal/private level. So I’ll just list a few that aren’t so personal/private. ;)
-blog more : I’ve had a terrible time writing here the last couple of years, but if I can keep up the trend I started in November, I might actually do ok.
-find a different mode of exercise for when I can’t walk to work (because of the weather or when on vacation) Seriously-walking is awesome-may take a while to get to work, and I might complain sometimes, but I’m not complaining when my jeans feel loose around the waist-and not because they are too stretched out! ;) Gotta find something to supplement when walking on a regular basis is not possible.
-be a better daughter. Seriously, I need to call my Mom more-and not just when I’m not feeling well and need to hear my mother’s voice to make me feel better. ;) (Love you, Mommy!)
Well, I think that’s all for now. I just finished the last episode of Caprica-I have mixed feelings about it-if I can get it together, I might write a review/summary of it...although I’m terrible at writing reviews-I’m still trying to write a review of Prophecy of the Kings which I finished reading a week ago. 0:-)
Before I go, I’ll leave you with a couple of pictures of my Christmas Village and Christmas Tree for 2010. Hopefully I’ll get around to posting more pics before February. LOL!
(click pics for a slightly bigger image)
