
Showing posts from 2008

Chicago and Back!

D.W.Q.: "Brigadier, a straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting." -the Third Doctor Okay, okay, okay. Yes, I have been back from Chicago Tardis for over a week now. No, I haven't uploaded any of my pictures yet. (Bad, BAD, Ro!!) Next year, I hope not to have to move in between big events in my life-in fact, I hope not to move at all next year! But, man-I sure have been wiped out over the past few months. All last week I spent trying to catch up on sleep at home after work-I think I'm finally getting there... ;) I met Elisabeth Sladen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But before I get to that awesomeness (and the awesomeness of meeting Colin Baker, and hanging out with people at the con), I'll have to share with you my travel adventure-because my vacations always seem to involve crazy travel situations. (Next week I'll share one of my favorite stories, just before I head out again!) ;) I decided ...


D.W.Q.: "I can see you've been doing the TARDIS up a bit. I don't like it." -the Second Doctor (from the Third Doctor story, the Three Doctors ) I've just done a little template cleaning on my blog-actually, not much-I need to do more. I've finally added some countdowns to my sidebar, and I decided to move my archive list to the end, since it's getting so long. I still have to go through my links to see which ones are still live, but I'll do that another day. Chicago Tardis is next week!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY! :) Thanksgiving, too. :) Fall is being overrun by winter, but that's another story. Been unpacking my boxes-discovered I'm missing a couple of boxes of books, and one of cds. Dang it! Back to storage...

Long-delayed updates...

D.W.Q.: "Eureka!!" -the Third Doctor Well! I'm finally online at home!!! Took me a little over a month, but I'm all set up. (Actually, my computer has been set up for a while, but I just haven't had the energy to get online at home.) *hee* I'm still trying to settle in-this is actually the first time I've been home on a Saturday night since I moved. I've had something going on every weekend. I've also been busy during the week, so that doesn't help. I've managed to hook up my computer, get cable (digital! I get BBC America now!), get a wardrobe (the closets here are very small), and a new microwave (My old microwave was really old-I'm surprised it still worked.) Still need a new couch, though. Yah, I gave up my old couch-it was sad, it was the first couch I ever purchased (even though it was used, it was still mine!) Apparently I'm the only one who was comfortable in it (although my friend Mike did sleep on it while he stayed wit...

quick update

Just a quick update-I have moved!!!! Still need to do a few things, but I finally got my phone at the new place-now I just have to set up my computer so I can get online, instead of trying to post during my breaks at work. ;) Now I just have to call the cable company...I'm going through some SERIOUS withdrawl. LOL ;)

stress relief


gah, moving...

D.W.Q.: Ace: "Oi, that sounds brill!" the Seventh Doctor: "My sentiments exactly" Just a quick update-I know I promised more, but I just haven't had the time. I have to move...AGAIN. It's only been a year, but my rent went up quite a bit, and with the cost of heating this place during the winter, it's just too much. (That, and other things, which I may or may not go into detail later) Packing is going slow, and I have yet to find a place. I'm not quite into panic mode yet, but I'll probably get there. My life isn't completely sucky. :) Once I have a moment to really sit down and type out an entry, I'll go into more detail. Plus, I do have a few more MN stories to tell! (hopefully my sister will send the pic of our mom on the 4 wheeler so I can post that here!) ;) *hint, hint, little sister!* Lunch is over, gotta get back to work...whee! ;)

busy life!

Life's been busy, got somethings to say, just haven't had the time to write a decent post lately. This weekend is St. Rocco's-which means lots of zeppolli!! Woo! Lots of zeppolli and playing Roxie's Theme. ;) Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday weekend!!!

The mis-adventures of Hoppy the Frog

D.W. Quote: "There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish, sometimes." -the Fourth Docotor No, I'm not quite ready to talk about the whole Brett Favre thing, so instead, I bring you...a long over due update from my vacation! I know, it's been over a month, but now I'm finally getting around to posting some things. So, the first day I was there, it rained! Did that stop us from having fun? NO! Ally still fired up the grill, and me and Mellon were sitting in the garage-well, sort of-Mellon was all giggly, and I'd chase her and try to tickle her. *hee* I started to run outside in the rain-and began dancing in circles, just like a little kid. Mellon laughed and ran out with me. Even big sister Tia (formerly known on this blog as T) decided to join us. :) It was fun, but we had to stop once the lighting hit. You know what you see alot of after a rain shower? FROGS. Lots of frogs-there is a pond in my sister's back yard, which is full of ...

Happy Friday!

D.W. Quote: the Second Doctor: "If only I could find my recorder, I could play you a little something to pass the time." the Brigadier: "We should be thankful for small mercies." (from the Third Doctor story, the Three Doctors ). Enjoy! (special thanks to Paul for sending the link! This totally made my day.) :-D Herdi Habanera!!!

well, ain't that the pits...

D.W.Quote: Harry Sullivan: "Look here, Doctor, you're not fit." the Fourth Doctor: "Not fit? Not fit? Of course I'm fit. All systems go." Harry: "I say! Look..." the Doctor: "Heartbeats." Harry: "I say, I don't think that can be right." the Doctor: "Both a bit fast, are they?" Arrrg....SO not the way I wanted to spend my first weekend home from vacation. Waiting for a stone to pass. Bloody hell. It's still in there, too-I can feel it-taunting me. I woke up Friday morning in pain. To make a long story short-I have a kidney stone. Blah. However, that didn't stop me from playing at Mt. Carmel this weekend. Armed with painkillers, a HUGE bottle of water, and my clarinet, I headed over to the west side and had a good time. I was a little uncomfortable by the end of the first night, but I think that's because of the chair I was sitting on. I had a different chair last night, and didn't have any trouble a...

two more!

Yikes! I can't believe I forgot to add these to the list! 1. Adventures in flying: Cleveland to Minneapolis 2. The mis-adventures of Hoppy the frog (and his buddies, Hoppy, Hoppy, and Hoppy) ;) Hopefully I'll have time to update more soon-I've got all this, plus it's Mt. Carmel this weekend!


Hey all! I'm back from vacation! Still haven't unpacked, and I miss everyone already. Loads to catch up on at work, but I just wanted to post a few quick notes: 1. rock climbing in Taylor Falls 2. off-roading at Willow River 3. fun with my sister's telescope (Jupiter!) 4. shooting stars (i saw 2!) 5. mosquitos! (those bastards!) 6. the Fourth of July 7. the Fifth of July (the fun continues!) 8. Doctor Who family night 9. bonfires, grilling, other fun stuff 10. Al's big gay dogs (yeah, they are a riot) I'm sure there's more-I hope to write more about most of this-plus, I've got pictures!


D.W.Q.M.: "Of course you don't, why should you? You're a busy man, you don't want to stand here burbling about my ears. Neither ear, nor there, is it? Eh? But I can't waste any more time. Things to do, places to go. I'm a busy man too, you know." -the Fourth Doctor, to Harry Sullivan, in Robot In a couple of days, I will be on vacation. I am so not ready. I'm not in panic mode...yet. Actually, it's not too bad-finished my laundry, paid some bills. I think I'm doing good if I don't call my sister and nag at her everyday between now and my vacation about when she is picking me up. LOL. Tonight I am going to do something I almost never do-I'm going to start setting aside clothes to pack...3 days before my plane leaves for MN. Ha! Take that, vacation gods! *hee* I can't wait! Okay, quick fan girl moment: Spoilers for episodes 12 and 13 of Doctor Who... + + + + + +'ve been warned.... + + + + + + + + + + + Sarah Jane and Lu...

new season, old memories

D.W.Q.M.: "When everything is new, can anything be a surprise?" -Cho-je (from the Third Doctor story, Planet of the Spiders Happy Summer! (well, almost.) ;) I can't believe it's summer (partly because, well-it's been quite chilly the past couple of days-even for me!! It is supposed to warm up, though) This past Thursday was the summer debut of the annual Coventry Street Fair (or is it the art fair? Geez, I should know better) Anyhoo-every third Thursday of the month during the summer, Coventry Village closes off the streets for the fair. In the past, I've only passed on through-my apartment was far enough away that once I was home, I didn't hear or see any of it. This year, I'm quite a bit closer! There was a cop at the corner of my street, directing traffic away from the fair, and, of course, people were parking up and down my street-I sat on my porch Thursday evening and watching families come and go. Next month I'm going to try to mosey on over...


D.W.Q.M.: The Second Doctor: "If only I could find my recorder, I could play you a little something to pass the time." The Brigadier: "We should be thankful for small mercies." (from the Third Doctor story, the Three Doctors Ha-ha! For once, I actually bought reeds before the Italian Band season started!! I didn't forget until the day before and say, 'Aww, crap! I forgot again! ' Well, unless you count Good Friday, then, nevermind... We had a procession at Holy Redeemer for St. Anthony's Feast yesterday. We were a small band (not unusual for procession), but we were pretty well-rounded. We had Nick, our fearless leader, plus 3 clarinets, 2 trumpets, 2 saxs, a euphonium, 2 precussionists and a sousaphone. Mike even drove up from Dayton to join us. When Mike and I were walking towards the church, I noticed the big tree we usually sit under while waiting for the precession, and stand under for the blessings afterwards, was gone. I couldn't believe...

to blog or not to blog!

D.W.Q.M.: "Now you've squashed my favorite Beatles." -the First Doctor I'm coming up on my 5th blogaversary. Hard to believe I started this blog 5 years ago!!! I looked back at when I first started, and I realized I posted quite alot. More recently, I haven't been posting much at all. Once, maybe twice a month, if that. So I have decided, in honor of my upcoming anniversary, I will try to post more, even if it's just silly little things-short entries without much content. I want to get back to personal blogging. :) (I haven't been totally absent from the blogsphere-I've been contributing to the Idiot's Lantern and on a somewhat regular basis. ;)) In honor (geez, there's alot of honors in this post.) of my new commitment, here is a fun, silly fan vid from BabelColour: I love his videos!

The road to and back...(MarCon!)

D.W.Q.M.: "Didn't you find two angry men stuck to my car?" -the Third Doctor I thought I would start my MarCon reports by telling you of our adventures on the road for two reasons: 1, it doesn't require pictures (so I have a bit more time to upload them from my camera) and 2, part of the excitement is just getting there (we've had stalls, crammed into 1 tiny car, stuck in traffic, etc.) Eventually I'll get to my report with pictures (although I might be directing you to the Idiot's Lantern at some point, since much of my Marcon adventure involves Doctor Who!! (and probably will continue to be for a very long time-I hope!) :) ) Alicia showed up at my house around 12:15 on Friday, and I wasn't even ready! That's what I get for staying up the night before. We loaded the car with all my stuff (I didn't realize that being on staff at MarCon would require loads of crap! I almost forgot my Sonic Screwdriver, and I just bought batteries!) and headed ...


D.W.Q.M.: "You're a part of that L.I.N.D.A. group, aren't you?" -the Fifth Doctor to the Tenth Doctor in the CiN special, Time Crash Marcon 43 is here!!! Yikes, it's 2:00am, and I'm so not ready. (What the heck am I doing online then?) ;) I'm pretty much ready to go-I'll be doing all my packing in the morning-I just hope I remember everything! I'm donating my extra set of Doctor Who trading cards as a prize for the Doctor Who Jeopardy game, so hopefully I'll remember to bring that! (I think it was last year- I put all my gaming cards, and a few trading cards, in a separate backpack, so I'd be sure to bring them-wouldn't you know-I left the damn thing in on my bed!) I've got all my costumes put together-including new batteries for my sonic screwdriver. :) The only thing I don't have is a sonic lipstick-ah, well-that'll be for next year! Ehh...Blogger seems to be having issues for those of us who publish via an FTP server. I...

Moffat to take over from Davies!!

D.W.Q.M.: "Splendid chaps...all of them." -the Brigadier (from the Fifth Doctor story, the Five Doctors ) Steven Moffat will be taking over the reigns of Executive Producer and Head Writer of Doctor Who from Russell T. Davies, starting in 2010 with the 5th series: In one word: AWESOME!!! I love Steven Moffat! (x-posted to the Idiot's Lantern )

party on, party on!

D.W.Q.M.: The Brigadier: " Do you know what you're doing?" the Third Doctor: "My dear chap, I can't wait to find out." Need to write more...need to write more.... (same old, same old!) CONGRATULATIONS, PERSEPHONE!!!!! She graduated from MSASS this past Sunday!!! Paul and I went to convocation, and I have to admit, I got a little teary eyed. She worked really hard the last two years-and totally deseves it!! After convocation, Paul and I jogged over to the temple where MSASS was holding their diploma ceremony-we met up with the rest of the family. MewMew and I were going to shout 'Brown chicken brown cow!' after Perseph's name was called, but we chicken out, since they told us to wait to cheer after everyone's name was called. Afterwards, when the Dean said, 'It sounds like everyone is having fun!' MewMew shouted 'Brown chicken, brown cow!' (you really have to hear it to get the joke...) It made Perseph's day! :) After gr...

Mommy Time! ;)

D.W.Q.M.: Sarah: "Oh, I could murder a cup of tea. You're serious, aren't you?" the Third Doctor: "About what I do, yes. Not necessarily the way I do it." My Mommy came for a visit!! Well, actually, she went to D.C. to see the Pope, but she stopped by on her way there, and on her way back! So we had a short visit, 2 weekends in a row. ;) This was the first time she's seen my new place. :) Even though our time was short, we still managed to have fun. The first weekend she was here, the Sarah Jane Adventures premiered on SciFi, so we watched that together. :) (Have I mentioned she's partly responsible for my Doctor Who addiction?) This was an extremely short visit, though-she had to leave the next morning for D.C., and I was headed for Cincinatti that weekend. This past weekend, she came on Saturday. I had just bought the Time Warrior and Planet of Evil on dvd, so we sat down and watched the Time Warrior (which was my very first Doctor Who story) S...


D.W.Q.M.: "You know, I am so constantly outwitting the opposition, I tend to forget the delight and satisfaction of the arts... the gentle art of fisticuffs." -the First Doctor Congrats to the Cleveland Heights IceHawks!!! This past weekend in Cincinatti, they one their first Championship!!! YAAAAYYYY!!!!!! GOOOOOO, WILD!!!! (although, I just checked the score, and they are currently loosing this game to the Avalanche. *sigh* , they are still ahead in the series, 2-1!!!!!)

That's life!

No Doctor Who quote tonight-I couldn't think of anything clever enough for this post. ;) Ever go through a period of writers block? That's what's happenening to me right now! So much has been going on, but whenever I sit down to write, I just don't know where to begin. The other day I was looking at some of my older blogs-I couldn't believe how much I used to write here! (and look how much it's dwindled!) Maybe if I wasn't so tired... ;) This past weekend I was in Cincinatti and Dayton with the IceHawks (babysitting!) I had alot of fun. The tournament next month is in Cincinatti, and if we stay in the same place, I'm going to have to remember my swimsuit-they have an indoor/outdoor heated pool!! I also hope I have the same roomies-then I'll have to remember to bring Phase 10! So where were you during the big storm two weeks ago? I was stuck at home-everything I had planned on Saturday was cancelled (with good reason, too). I stepped off the front ste...

Orange cheese!!

D.W.Q.M.: Duke Juliano: "There's this man in Florence claims that by arranging ground glasses in a certain order, it's possible to see the moon and stars as large as your hand." Marco: "Is that a good thing?" Did you catch the Lunar Eclipse on Wenesday?!?! Amazingly enough, it actually cleared up so we could see it! I was at Foofy and Persephone's for taco night-since there were six of us and the game we had decided to play only played 5, I decided to hang out with MewMew and watch Ghost Hunters: International . MewMew really wanted to see the eclipse, too, so we would peak outside during commercial breaks to see if it was clearing up. It was still pretty cloudy, so we had pretty much given up. Then, towards the end of Ghost Hunters I got a call from the Doctor-I had moved and leaned over the edge of the couch to answer-he said, 'I take it then you aren't outside?' All I said was, 'What, you mean it's clear?!' and I heard MewMe...

Doctor Who and Sarah Jane!

D.W.Q.M.: "Fantastic!" -the Ninth Doctor Wow, I need to post here more-what else is new? I was going to post some New Years resolutions, but I've already broken some, so what's the point? LOL. Things are going well-been pretty busy, but that's ok. :) Some exciting news from the SciFi channel!!! The fourth series of Doctor Who will air on the SciFi channel beginning in April!!! (sometime after it premieres on the BBC, obviously. That's rumored to be April 5th) If it does indeed air here in the US in April, it'll be the fastest the new series has made it to this side of the pond! :) Also coming to SciFi in April, the second spinoff, the Sarah Jane Adventures!! New Who and Sarah to air on SciFi Yay, Sarah Jane !

new year!!

D.W.Q.M.: Laurence Scarman: "Are you telling me you don't know what year it is?" the Fourth Doctor: "If I knew, I wouldn't ask. Don't be obtuse, man!" It's a new year, and I'm still here!!! ;) Whoa! Again, another long stretch between posts. Doh! I've got a resolutions post I need to put up, but I'll do that later. (guess that means I've already broken one...) LOL. More updates coming soon!!!