to blog or not to blog!

D.W.Q.M.: "Now you've squashed my favorite Beatles." -the First Doctor

I'm coming up on my 5th blogaversary. Hard to believe I started this blog 5 years ago!!! I looked back at when I first started, and I realized I posted quite alot. More recently, I haven't been posting much at all. Once, maybe twice a month, if that.

So I have decided, in honor of my upcoming anniversary, I will try to post more, even if it's just silly little things-short entries without much content. I want to get back to personal blogging. :) (I haven't been totally absent from the blogsphere-I've been contributing to
the Idiot's Lantern and on a somewhat regular basis. ;))

In honor (geez, there's alot of honors in this post.) of my new commitment, here is a fun, silly fan vid from BabelColour:

I love his videos!
