The road to and back...(MarCon!)
D.W.Q.M.: "Didn't you find two angry men stuck to my car?" -the Third Doctor
I thought I would start my MarCon reports by telling you of our adventures on the road for two reasons: 1, it doesn't require pictures (so I have a bit more time to upload them from my camera) and 2, part of the excitement is just getting there (we've had stalls, crammed into 1 tiny car, stuck in traffic, etc.) Eventually I'll get to my report with pictures (although I might be directing you to the Idiot's Lantern at some point, since much of my Marcon adventure involves Doctor Who!! (and probably will continue to be for a very long time-I hope!) :) )
Alicia showed up at my house around 12:15 on Friday, and I wasn't even ready! That's what I get for staying up the night before. We loaded the car with all my stuff (I didn't realize that being on staff at MarCon would require loads of crap! I almost forgot my Sonic Screwdriver, and I just bought batteries!) and headed out to pick up Arthur. Nothing too eventful there-we picked him up and then put in, what we now call our 'MarCon Anthem' into the cd player. What is it you ask? Promise not to laugh? Barbie Girl by Aqua. No, seriously, it is-I don't know how it became that-it was the first song on one of my Dance/techno cds, and the three of us ended up singing it at the top of our lungs the first time I played it (maybe 3 years ago?) Anyhoo, we had so much fun, we decided we had to play it every time we start our Marcon trip. :)
The trip started out smoothly. I had a phone call from Jarrod down in Columbus-I was getting my schedule for the video room. Alicia hadn't eaten all day, so she stopped to grab something from the drive thru-Arthur and I decided to wait until we hit Lodi before stopping for lunch. All the way down, I couldn't help but think I had forgotten something. Then, as we were leaving Lodi, it hit me-I forgot my fairy wings for the masquarade!!!!!!! I was so POed-I couldnt' believe I had left them behind-I even went back once 'cause I almost forgot the headdress I made!!! How could I forget the wings!?!?! Arrrrgggg... Here I was the night before, talking about how I forgot something I specifically set aside so I wouldn't forget, and I go and forget something else!! Oh, well-guess I'd have to be a wingless-fairy. :p
The ride home was somewhat more of an adventure. We left the hotel, stopped for gas, then stopped for food and a quick trip to Toys R Us to see if they had any Doctor Who toys (I missed getting the Master's Laser Screwdriver by about 10 minutes in the Dealer's room! Arrg!), then we were back on the road. We were just getting settle, listening to our tunes, we we started to hear this loud grinding noise. At first we weren't sure if it was us or the car next to us, but a quick press of the off button on the radio made us realize that the noise was, in fact, us. The car started to vibrate, and we figured we had a flat. Alicia wanted to try to make it to the next exit, but I told her we were going to have to pull over to the shoulder, because I didn't think we'd make it to the next exit. Arthur also said he thought he smelled something burning. We were in the middle lane and managed to pull over rather quickly, without further incident. As soon as she stopped and turned the hazards on, Arthur and I jumped out and discovered that we had a blow-out!! The rear passenger side tire had completely shattered. We had just passed the exits to Polaris, so we hadn't even made a dent in our trip back home yet! Alicia checked the trunk, and she did have a doughnut in the back-yay!! I remembered how to change a tire (my pops taught me as soon as I turned 16, even though I didn't get my license then), so I made a few suggestions, and Arthur pulled off the lugnuts, jacked up the car, and then put on the doughnut. He screwed in the lugnuts just enough so the tire wouldn't fall off, then lowered the car and tightened them some more. should be noted that Arthur and I do not have a drivers licenses. LOL.
The rest of the trip was uneventful. I meant to ask Alicia to pull into a rest area halfway to check the tire, but forgot. When we dropped Arthur off at home, he checked the lugnuts again, and they were still tight. Yay!! We all got home, safe and sound.
However, I left my fairy headdress in Alicia's car. $#%&$!!!!!
I thought I would start my MarCon reports by telling you of our adventures on the road for two reasons: 1, it doesn't require pictures (so I have a bit more time to upload them from my camera) and 2, part of the excitement is just getting there (we've had stalls, crammed into 1 tiny car, stuck in traffic, etc.) Eventually I'll get to my report with pictures (although I might be directing you to the Idiot's Lantern at some point, since much of my Marcon adventure involves Doctor Who!! (and probably will continue to be for a very long time-I hope!) :) )
Alicia showed up at my house around 12:15 on Friday, and I wasn't even ready! That's what I get for staying up the night before. We loaded the car with all my stuff (I didn't realize that being on staff at MarCon would require loads of crap! I almost forgot my Sonic Screwdriver, and I just bought batteries!) and headed out to pick up Arthur. Nothing too eventful there-we picked him up and then put in, what we now call our 'MarCon Anthem' into the cd player. What is it you ask? Promise not to laugh? Barbie Girl by Aqua. No, seriously, it is-I don't know how it became that-it was the first song on one of my Dance/techno cds, and the three of us ended up singing it at the top of our lungs the first time I played it (maybe 3 years ago?) Anyhoo, we had so much fun, we decided we had to play it every time we start our Marcon trip. :)
The trip started out smoothly. I had a phone call from Jarrod down in Columbus-I was getting my schedule for the video room. Alicia hadn't eaten all day, so she stopped to grab something from the drive thru-Arthur and I decided to wait until we hit Lodi before stopping for lunch. All the way down, I couldn't help but think I had forgotten something. Then, as we were leaving Lodi, it hit me-I forgot my fairy wings for the masquarade!!!!!!! I was so POed-I couldnt' believe I had left them behind-I even went back once 'cause I almost forgot the headdress I made!!! How could I forget the wings!?!?! Arrrrgggg... Here I was the night before, talking about how I forgot something I specifically set aside so I wouldn't forget, and I go and forget something else!! Oh, well-guess I'd have to be a wingless-fairy. :p
The ride home was somewhat more of an adventure. We left the hotel, stopped for gas, then stopped for food and a quick trip to Toys R Us to see if they had any Doctor Who toys (I missed getting the Master's Laser Screwdriver by about 10 minutes in the Dealer's room! Arrg!), then we were back on the road. We were just getting settle, listening to our tunes, we we started to hear this loud grinding noise. At first we weren't sure if it was us or the car next to us, but a quick press of the off button on the radio made us realize that the noise was, in fact, us. The car started to vibrate, and we figured we had a flat. Alicia wanted to try to make it to the next exit, but I told her we were going to have to pull over to the shoulder, because I didn't think we'd make it to the next exit. Arthur also said he thought he smelled something burning. We were in the middle lane and managed to pull over rather quickly, without further incident. As soon as she stopped and turned the hazards on, Arthur and I jumped out and discovered that we had a blow-out!! The rear passenger side tire had completely shattered. We had just passed the exits to Polaris, so we hadn't even made a dent in our trip back home yet! Alicia checked the trunk, and she did have a doughnut in the back-yay!! I remembered how to change a tire (my pops taught me as soon as I turned 16, even though I didn't get my license then), so I made a few suggestions, and Arthur pulled off the lugnuts, jacked up the car, and then put on the doughnut. He screwed in the lugnuts just enough so the tire wouldn't fall off, then lowered the car and tightened them some more. should be noted that Arthur and I do not have a drivers licenses. LOL.
The rest of the trip was uneventful. I meant to ask Alicia to pull into a rest area halfway to check the tire, but forgot. When we dropped Arthur off at home, he checked the lugnuts again, and they were still tight. Yay!! We all got home, safe and sound.
However, I left my fairy headdress in Alicia's car. $#%&$!!!!!