Marcon 42-the report!
D.W.Q.M.: "I think those crazy kids have gone off to the sewers to get photographs of the Cybermen." -Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (from the Second Doctor story, the Invaison)
Yay, Marcon!!! I had an awesome time!!! I wrote about working the video room and other Doctor Who stuff over at the Idiot's Lantern You can check them out here:
Marcon, part 1
Marcon, part 2
This year, I got to meet Kevin Sorbo!!

*hee* My mom and I have this running joke-whenever I mention Kevin Sorbo, she always says, "You know he's from Mound [Minnesota]" So I told him that, and he thought that it was cool that we were from MN too. I got him to sign an autograph for my mom, and he wrote 'Go Minnesota!' on it. LOL. He is so cool.
And guess what? He played Duck, Duck GRAY DUCK as a kid!!! LOL ;) :-D
I also got to meet Steve Bacic:

He was also really cool. :) I wish I could have made it to some of the panels they did, but I didn't have time. I heard they were pretty awesome, and alot of fun!
I also had a great time helping out with the Masquarade. Basically my job was to run around for people. At one point, I had to let someone down in the con suite know how many people were going to be in the Masquarade. Our conversation went something like this:
Me: There will be 17 entires, and 30 people
Consuite Lady (sorry, i can't remember her name!):Okay. Oh, by the way, when do they want the cow?
Me: the cow?!
Consuite Lady: Yes, the cow.
Me: I dunno, lemme check.
So I ran past the Hotel guy and up to the Green room to find out when they wanted the cow. Then I ran past the Hotel guy again.
Me, to Random Consuite Guy: Hey, is Consuite Lady around?
Random Consuite Guy: She just left-can I give her a message?
Me: Yeah, tell her they want the Cow at 8:30.
Random Consuite Guy: Oh-kaayy. I thought they wanted him earlier, but whatever. By the way, I'm the cow.
Me: Ohhhhhh!
Then I ran back up to the Green room, and as I passed the Hotel guy for the fourth time, he looked up and said, 'I only see you coming out! Never going in!' LOL. I'm that fast...ooooh, that sounds dirty. ;)
Then it came time for the awards ceremony. They couldn't find the group of Orcs from the Ohio Ring Council, so I was sent to look for them to make sure they were heading to the right place. I race out of the Green room and spotted Valerie coming towards me. "VALERIE! Have you seen the Orcs?" I shout as I run by. "I think they're around the corner!"
The Orcs had the best presentation. Since I was a stage ninja during the Masquarade (I made sure people made it off the stage ok, and sent them towards the photographer), I only had a side view. The group of Orcs came out, then their soundtrack began to roll. "We'd like to call this 'Ode to Mr. Jackson"
All of the audience, myself included, thought they meant Peter Jackson. Suddenly the lead Orc rips off his top armor, exposing a red leather jacket, and then the whole group started dancing to Thriller. OMG-it was AWESOME Their choreography was perfect!! They brought the house down.
I had alot of fun, and Julie (co-chair of the Masquarade) couldn't believe that I was running on 1 hour of sleep, and still so perky! LOL She said that next year she wants to give me a promotion, and more responsibility during the Masquarade. Yikes! We'll see how I feel about it next year. LOL. :)
Yay, Marcon!!! I had an awesome time!!! I wrote about working the video room and other Doctor Who stuff over at the Idiot's Lantern You can check them out here:
Marcon, part 1
Marcon, part 2
This year, I got to meet Kevin Sorbo!!
*hee* My mom and I have this running joke-whenever I mention Kevin Sorbo, she always says, "You know he's from Mound [Minnesota]" So I told him that, and he thought that it was cool that we were from MN too. I got him to sign an autograph for my mom, and he wrote 'Go Minnesota!' on it. LOL. He is so cool.
And guess what? He played Duck, Duck GRAY DUCK as a kid!!! LOL ;) :-D
I also got to meet Steve Bacic:
He was also really cool. :) I wish I could have made it to some of the panels they did, but I didn't have time. I heard they were pretty awesome, and alot of fun!
I also had a great time helping out with the Masquarade. Basically my job was to run around for people. At one point, I had to let someone down in the con suite know how many people were going to be in the Masquarade. Our conversation went something like this:
Me: There will be 17 entires, and 30 people
Consuite Lady (sorry, i can't remember her name!):Okay. Oh, by the way, when do they want the cow?
Me: the cow?!
Consuite Lady: Yes, the cow.
Me: I dunno, lemme check.
So I ran past the Hotel guy and up to the Green room to find out when they wanted the cow. Then I ran past the Hotel guy again.
Me, to Random Consuite Guy: Hey, is Consuite Lady around?
Random Consuite Guy: She just left-can I give her a message?
Me: Yeah, tell her they want the Cow at 8:30.
Random Consuite Guy: Oh-kaayy. I thought they wanted him earlier, but whatever. By the way, I'm the cow.
Me: Ohhhhhh!
Then I ran back up to the Green room, and as I passed the Hotel guy for the fourth time, he looked up and said, 'I only see you coming out! Never going in!' LOL. I'm that fast...ooooh, that sounds dirty. ;)
Then it came time for the awards ceremony. They couldn't find the group of Orcs from the Ohio Ring Council, so I was sent to look for them to make sure they were heading to the right place. I race out of the Green room and spotted Valerie coming towards me. "VALERIE! Have you seen the Orcs?" I shout as I run by. "I think they're around the corner!"
The Orcs had the best presentation. Since I was a stage ninja during the Masquarade (I made sure people made it off the stage ok, and sent them towards the photographer), I only had a side view. The group of Orcs came out, then their soundtrack began to roll. "We'd like to call this 'Ode to Mr. Jackson"
All of the audience, myself included, thought they meant Peter Jackson. Suddenly the lead Orc rips off his top armor, exposing a red leather jacket, and then the whole group started dancing to Thriller. OMG-it was AWESOME Their choreography was perfect!! They brought the house down.
I had alot of fun, and Julie (co-chair of the Masquarade) couldn't believe that I was running on 1 hour of sleep, and still so perky! LOL She said that next year she wants to give me a promotion, and more responsibility during the Masquarade. Yikes! We'll see how I feel about it next year. LOL. :)