Happy Solstice!!!
Happy first official day of Summer, everyone!!!!
And, if it's clear enough-don't forget to check out the space station tonight.
From my friend DJ: "I heard on the news this morning that (weather permitting) the space station
will be visiable tonight starting at 9:38 pm. It will be directly overhead at 9:41.
There is only a five minute window to see it.
It was pretty cool to see it Tuesday night."
Oh, that's Eastern time. :)
And, if it's clear enough-don't forget to check out the space station tonight.
From my friend DJ: "I heard on the news this morning that (weather permitting) the space station
will be visiable tonight starting at 9:38 pm. It will be directly overhead at 9:41.
There is only a five minute window to see it.
It was pretty cool to see it Tuesday night."
Oh, that's Eastern time. :)