This week in Who

D.W.Q.M.:Sgt. Benton: "What are we going to do now?"
the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"

(author's note: This post can also be found at the Idiot's Lantern.)

Current episode:
Fridays, 8pm EDT on the SciFi Channel
The Girl in the Fireplace

Previous episodes:
School Reunion
Tooth and Claw
New Earth (9:30pm EDT)
The Christmas Invasion (8:00pm EDT)

Doctor Who on BBC7:
Check out
BBC7's Listen Again page to hear the 8th Doctor audios from Big Finish. Current epsiodes are available for one week after it originally airs.
This week:
Sunday, October 22nd: Stones of Venice, part 1

Torchwood starts this Sunday, 9pm, GMT on BBC3. The episode guide is scheduled to be updated on the 23rd. Although there are links to the videos, I'm not sure if we have access to them. Last week there was a notice on the pages that due to copyright issues, they wouldn't be accessible to those of us outside the UK. I tried to watch a few, but it just kept trying to connect-dunno if that's just my connection, or the BBC. Feel free to try, and let me know if you're sucessful!

My goal for these weekly updates is to give you more than just links, but sometimes, (like today!) I won't have enough time to talk much about the articles I link to. Hope you don't mind. :)

Audio books for the latest 10th Doctor Novels (Including Anthony Head!)

Billie's new book (I hear it's geared more towards adults)

Win a part in Doctor Who! (sorry guys, not only do you have to be under 14, but this is only open for residents of the UK.) Still, it's gonna be awesome for one lucky kid!

National Television Awards Doctor Who's been nominated again for most popular show, best actress and best actor. Yay!

TAFN. Happy Who watching!
