Happy Halloween!

D.W.Q.M.: Ian: "Where's your spirit of adventure, hm?"
the First Doctor: "It died a slow and painful death when those bats came out of the rafters."

Happy Halloween, everybody!

2003 Jack-o-Lanterns:

(I really need to upload our pumpkins from 2004& 2005!)

No Jack-o-Lanterns this year-neither Perseph nor I had enough time to make one. It seems as though October just started, and now it's Halloween! Perhaps next October won't be as crazy. ;) We are planning on dressing up and giving out candy to the kiddies-there's going to be a bunch of us tonight. It'll be fun!

Geeky Pumpkins:

Cylon-o-Lantern (old school Cylon)

Be sure to check them out in action, too!

To my neices Tia and Boo-hope you had fun in your Halloween parade at school! Alicat-you better take pictures!! ;)

Have a safe Halloween!
