VERY short random thoughts

D.W.Q.M.: the Second Doctor: "Goodbye...Fancypants!"
the Third Doctor: "Scarecrow!"

Arrrrrggg..I had a nice long random thoughts post, and I lost it!!!! Stupid blogger-why did I have to log in again? I had been working non-stop on the post! I keep forgetting to save my entries as I type them. *sigh* >:(

Ok, well, I had several things to say, but now I'm just going to write about a couple of them (because of time issues.) ;) .

First of all, Hello, Ally!! My little sis is finally online! Look out, world! ;) She was so excited that she emailed me Friday night, and when I called, she told me to check it. Well, I forgot to check it again during the weekend, so she called and asked me if I ever checked my email. When I finally did check it last night, I was greeted with 7 'Hey! Don't you ever check your email?' messages, and several new pictures of the kiddies!! I do feel bad about not checking my email though. Ally, since you now have a digital camera, a computer, and an internet service-you better start sending more pictures of the kids!! :)

I have a bone to pick with SciFi. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful that they are finally showing the new series of Doctor Who, but their promos have little to be desired. Most of the time the clips they had in their promos had little to do with the episode (the main plot-for example-the Doctor Dances-they never showed any of the gas-masked zombies), which would leave new viewers saying, 'Huh?'. That was pretty much par for the course...until the last two episodes. The promos pratically gave away the entire episode! Or at least the part that would make your jaw drop and say, 'OMG!' since you weren't expecting it. I mean, they aired a promo for this Friday's episode during the first commercial break of Bad Wolf-which gave away the suprise ending! I mean, come on! The first commercial break?!?! Who's in charge of creating the promos? *sigh* /end rant. I feel better now. LOL. :)

ooooh, wait-Genesis of the Daleks comes out on dvd tomorrow-yay!!!!!!!!!! (and thank you, Daniel, for the cast recording LP of the episode-I love it!) :)
