Doctor Who news
D.W.Q.M.: Sgt. Benton: "What are we going to do now?"
the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"
(author's note: this post can also be found at the Idiot's Lantern.)
Series One (season 27) in the USA:
Fridays, 9pm EST on the SciFi Channel
Current episode:
12. Bad Wolf
Previous episodes:
11. Boom Town
10. The Doctor Dances
9. The Empty Child
8. Father's Day
7.The Long Game
5.World War III
4.Aliens of London
3.The Unquiet Dead
2.The End of the World
Series Two (season 28) in the UK:
Saturdays, at 7pm GMT on BBC1
Current episode:
8. The Impossible Planet
Previous episodes:
7. The Idiot's Lantern
6. The Age of Steel
5. The Rise of the Cybermen
4. The Girl in the Fireplace
3.School Reunion
2.Tooth and Claw
1. New Earth
RIP, Peter Bryant

from the BBC website: Peter Bryant, the producer of some of the most well-loved Doctor Who stories of the 1960s[during the Patrick Troughton years], passed away on Friday 19 May after a long illness.
For more about Peter Bryant, see full story here.
Australia gets series 2!
Series 2 will start airing in Australia on ABC July 8th, 2006 at 7:30 pm. Canada's CBC will air series 2 sometime this fall. Still no word on if and when SciFi will pick up series 2 here in the States.
Cool new toys!
SciFi Weekly has a review of a new Doctor Who toy-a TARDIS Phone Flasher! Put in some batteries and set the TARDIS on your desktop-when someone's cell phone rings within 1.5 meters of it, the blue light will start to flash and you'll here the famous TARDIS dematerialization sound. (you can also have it set to silencer, so only the light will flash) Can you image having that at your desk at work? I'd drive my coworkers nuts!!! LOL.
See the full review here.
Blogger seems to be having issues, so I'm going to have to cut this post short before I loose anything. I'm sorry!!!
Happy Doctor Who watching everyone!
the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"
(author's note: this post can also be found at the Idiot's Lantern.)
Series One (season 27) in the USA:
Fridays, 9pm EST on the SciFi Channel
Current episode:
12. Bad Wolf
Previous episodes:
11. Boom Town
10. The Doctor Dances
9. The Empty Child
8. Father's Day
7.The Long Game
5.World War III
4.Aliens of London
3.The Unquiet Dead
2.The End of the World
Series Two (season 28) in the UK:
Saturdays, at 7pm GMT on BBC1
Current episode:
8. The Impossible Planet
Previous episodes:
7. The Idiot's Lantern
6. The Age of Steel
5. The Rise of the Cybermen
4. The Girl in the Fireplace
3.School Reunion
2.Tooth and Claw
1. New Earth
RIP, Peter Bryant
from the BBC website: Peter Bryant, the producer of some of the most well-loved Doctor Who stories of the 1960s[during the Patrick Troughton years], passed away on Friday 19 May after a long illness.
For more about Peter Bryant, see full story here.
Australia gets series 2!
Series 2 will start airing in Australia on ABC July 8th, 2006 at 7:30 pm. Canada's CBC will air series 2 sometime this fall. Still no word on if and when SciFi will pick up series 2 here in the States.
Cool new toys!
SciFi Weekly has a review of a new Doctor Who toy-a TARDIS Phone Flasher! Put in some batteries and set the TARDIS on your desktop-when someone's cell phone rings within 1.5 meters of it, the blue light will start to flash and you'll here the famous TARDIS dematerialization sound. (you can also have it set to silencer, so only the light will flash) Can you image having that at your desk at work? I'd drive my coworkers nuts!!! LOL.
See the full review here.
Blogger seems to be having issues, so I'm going to have to cut this post short before I loose anything. I'm sorry!!!
Happy Doctor Who watching everyone!