The Orionids

D.W.Q.M.: "One day we'll know all the mysteries of the skies, and we'll stop our wanderings." -Susan

I am taking a brief break from my excitement over Farscape to talk about something else. (look out though, kiddies- I'm not finished with Farscape!!! *heehee* ;) )

Our system at work has crashed yet again, so I'm writing now. (Have I mentioned before how sucky it is when practically your entire job relies on the computer system?) They are taking it down for another major rehaul-someone is going to fix it. (gee, where have I heard that before? ;) )

Heads up!!
the Orionids peak tonight!! (well, more like tomorrow morning.) Best viewing time is in the wee hours of the morning-that's when the shower is the most active. Unfortunately, if you live where I live, it is unlikely you'll be able to see anything at all. Forecast is cloudy, with a 30% percent chance of light rain or drizzle this evening. BOOOOOoOoooooooo. :p

Anyhoo, the maximum for this shower generally lasts between October 20th-26th, but you might see a few stragglers as late as the beginning of November. As the name suggests, this shower's raidant is in Orion, so the meteors will look like they are originating from Orion.

The Orionids claim to fame is not that it is a strong shower (in fact, it really isn't). Their claim to fame is where they originated: the meteors from this shower are the remenants of Halley's Comet (from the debris field left behind long ago-I'm sorry, I couldn't find out what year these are from.)

Clear skies!

Blanket update: 14/36 inches (well, last time I measured, anyway. ;) )
