*psssssssst* Don't forget:
There was a slight moment (actually more like several hours) of panic today. I turned on my tv around 1, and discovered my cable was out.
NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!!! NOT 32 HOURS BEFORE THE FARSCAPE MINI!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Saturday!!!! They'll never fix it in time!!!
Sometime earlier this evening, the cable came back on. *whew* That was a close one. :) :)
So, in order to prepare for the mini, my friend Arthur and I got together today for a Farscape marathon. Too bad we can't fit 88 episodes into one day. ;) We watched 9 episodes -how do you pick 9 out of 88? It wasn't easy, but this is what we chose:
1-4 are from season 1; 5 is from season 2; 6 and 7, from season 3; and the last two are from season 4.
1. Premiere Well, duh! It's always good to start with the beginning-the episode that started it all! :) Crais is introduced as Number One Bad Guy.
2. P.K. Tech Girl As Arthur said, it's always good to see a jealous Aeryn. ;) LOL. On a side note-the commercial for this episode happens to be the first commercial I ever saw for Farscape. Don't ask me why, but I'll never forget Aeryn firing the freakin' huge pulse rifle, shouting, "Onto the ground...NOW!!"
3. Durka Returns This episode introduces Chiana to the cast. It also introduces us to Durka, Rygel's nemesis, who comes to haunt them again in season 3. (which, incidently, also leads to one of the coolest things Rygel ever does-he gets his revenge, and then walks around with waving Durka's head around on his staff. Ok, maybe you have to be a Scaper to see why, but trust us, it's pretty cool.) ;)
4. Family Ties Season 1 finale. Full of drama and twist and turns (wait, I just described the whole frellin' series... ;) ) Moya becomes separated from her baby, Talyn, as a result of Crais defecting from Peacekeeper Command and 'stealing' the baby ship. At this point, I think it's safe to say that Scorpius is the new Number One Bad Guy.
5. Out of Their Minds To put it simply, this is my favorite episode of Farscape. Period. :) :)
6. Eat Me This episode produced the Crichton Double, which lead to two different story lines: Green-shirt Crichton on Moya, and Black-shirt Crichton on Talyn...with Aeryn. You can do the math. Another side note: some of the stories featuring the Green-shirt Crichton were some of the craziest, wackiest, and 'what-the-frell-was-that' episodes in the entire series.
7. Into the Lion's Den, part 2: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Arthur picked this one, and it was a damn good choice. I think we both agree that this is among the best dramatic episodes of the entire series. This is the episode where the crews of Moya and Talyn work together to destroy Scorpius's Command Carrier (which by the way, he stole from Crais.) Crais and Talyn sacrifice themselves to destroy the carrier. It is here that you discover that Crais turned out to be not such a bad guy after all. The man turned himself around-you gotta give him credit for that. This has a really great scene: Scorpius, standing on the steps of his Command Carrier as the ship falls apart. The wall behind him has just exploded, and water comes cascading down the steps, as sparks fly everywhere. He's just standing there, slowly looking around. WOW. (trust us, it's good) ;)
8. Kansas Okay, okay-I'll be the first to admit it-I chose this episode because I love the scene where Aeryn is watching Sesame Street. ;) D'argo telling the cop to 'bite me' is pretty good, too. Also, it's fun to see the crew of Moya trying to fit into 1986 Earth. Coincidentally, this episode took place on Halloween. How appropriate. *heehee*
9. Bad Timing Ahhh...the last episode. The episode that led us to believe that our two heroes were blown apart by some unknown alien. The episode that ended with a big, fat, 'To Be Continued'. The episode that helped fuel the fire that was already burning among Farscape fans since SciFi announced it's cancellation several months before. Yeah, I cursed SciFi for a full 15 minutes after I saw this episode. I went through every swear word in our world, the Farscape world- even made up a few of my own. It only made sense to end our marathon with the last episode.
YEah, Farscape rocks. 'nuff said. :)
Actually, enough can never be said about how cool Farscape is. ;) I got the link to this article, 10 Reasons to Watch 'Farscape' from Njak on the OhioScapers list-it's an awesome article-worth the read. If it doesn't convince you to watch even just an episode of Farscape, it at least helps explain why it's legion of crazy fans love it so. :)

There was a slight moment (actually more like several hours) of panic today. I turned on my tv around 1, and discovered my cable was out.
NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!!! NOT 32 HOURS BEFORE THE FARSCAPE MINI!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Saturday!!!! They'll never fix it in time!!!
Sometime earlier this evening, the cable came back on. *whew* That was a close one. :) :)
So, in order to prepare for the mini, my friend Arthur and I got together today for a Farscape marathon. Too bad we can't fit 88 episodes into one day. ;) We watched 9 episodes -how do you pick 9 out of 88? It wasn't easy, but this is what we chose:
1-4 are from season 1; 5 is from season 2; 6 and 7, from season 3; and the last two are from season 4.
1. Premiere Well, duh! It's always good to start with the beginning-the episode that started it all! :) Crais is introduced as Number One Bad Guy.
2. P.K. Tech Girl As Arthur said, it's always good to see a jealous Aeryn. ;) LOL. On a side note-the commercial for this episode happens to be the first commercial I ever saw for Farscape. Don't ask me why, but I'll never forget Aeryn firing the freakin' huge pulse rifle, shouting, "Onto the ground...NOW!!"
3. Durka Returns This episode introduces Chiana to the cast. It also introduces us to Durka, Rygel's nemesis, who comes to haunt them again in season 3. (which, incidently, also leads to one of the coolest things Rygel ever does-he gets his revenge, and then walks around with waving Durka's head around on his staff. Ok, maybe you have to be a Scaper to see why, but trust us, it's pretty cool.) ;)
4. Family Ties Season 1 finale. Full of drama and twist and turns (wait, I just described the whole frellin' series... ;) ) Moya becomes separated from her baby, Talyn, as a result of Crais defecting from Peacekeeper Command and 'stealing' the baby ship. At this point, I think it's safe to say that Scorpius is the new Number One Bad Guy.
5. Out of Their Minds To put it simply, this is my favorite episode of Farscape. Period. :) :)
6. Eat Me This episode produced the Crichton Double, which lead to two different story lines: Green-shirt Crichton on Moya, and Black-shirt Crichton on Talyn...with Aeryn. You can do the math. Another side note: some of the stories featuring the Green-shirt Crichton were some of the craziest, wackiest, and 'what-the-frell-was-that' episodes in the entire series.
7. Into the Lion's Den, part 2: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Arthur picked this one, and it was a damn good choice. I think we both agree that this is among the best dramatic episodes of the entire series. This is the episode where the crews of Moya and Talyn work together to destroy Scorpius's Command Carrier (which by the way, he stole from Crais.) Crais and Talyn sacrifice themselves to destroy the carrier. It is here that you discover that Crais turned out to be not such a bad guy after all. The man turned himself around-you gotta give him credit for that. This has a really great scene: Scorpius, standing on the steps of his Command Carrier as the ship falls apart. The wall behind him has just exploded, and water comes cascading down the steps, as sparks fly everywhere. He's just standing there, slowly looking around. WOW. (trust us, it's good) ;)
8. Kansas Okay, okay-I'll be the first to admit it-I chose this episode because I love the scene where Aeryn is watching Sesame Street. ;) D'argo telling the cop to 'bite me' is pretty good, too. Also, it's fun to see the crew of Moya trying to fit into 1986 Earth. Coincidentally, this episode took place on Halloween. How appropriate. *heehee*
9. Bad Timing Ahhh...the last episode. The episode that led us to believe that our two heroes were blown apart by some unknown alien. The episode that ended with a big, fat, 'To Be Continued'. The episode that helped fuel the fire that was already burning among Farscape fans since SciFi announced it's cancellation several months before. Yeah, I cursed SciFi for a full 15 minutes after I saw this episode. I went through every swear word in our world, the Farscape world- even made up a few of my own. It only made sense to end our marathon with the last episode.
YEah, Farscape rocks. 'nuff said. :)
Actually, enough can never be said about how cool Farscape is. ;) I got the link to this article, 10 Reasons to Watch 'Farscape' from Njak on the OhioScapers list-it's an awesome article-worth the read. If it doesn't convince you to watch even just an episode of Farscape, it at least helps explain why it's legion of crazy fans love it so. :)