Random thoughts...
D.W.Q.M.: "He's the one you should be talking to, or rather listening to, if you have the stamina." -Romana 1
More lunchtime blogging from the cluttered desk of Romanadvoratrelundar.
Ahhh, sorry it's been so long since I last posted-I've either been too busy or too lazy to post. ;) Tomorrow I start housesitting for a friend of mine -I get to puppy-sit too! I'll be watching over the family dog, Blue. Unfortunately the side effect of this is that I have to get up earlier than I'm used to-so I can let the dog out and get to work on time-I have to remember to account for the fact that I will no longer be only a 5 minute bus ride from work for a few days. ;)
Sunburn, fireworks, small practices, and instruments that refuse to get in tune with each other-Yup! It's summertime and time for a brand new season of Italian Band! Sunday we performed in the procession for the Feast of St. Anthony-I think we sounded pretty good for only having 10 instruments. ;) Of course, silly me-forgot the sunscreen-so I came home with a sunburn-ow! Ah, you gotta love Italian band!
Hey Andy, I'm a sidekikc, too!! :)

Your comic relief saved you. You were probably
the hero's best friend and messed up a lot, but
helped him in some major way, believing in
yourself, near the end. As the sympathetic
character, you live.
How fast would you die in a cheesy zombie flick?
brought to you by Quizilla
Last week we watched 'Drop Dead Gorgeous', which takes place in a small town in Minnesota. After the movie I was asked if their accents were authentic, and I told them that I was wrong person to ask-I don't even realize when I speak in an accent! ;) Perseph insists that some of the characters sound like my mom. LOL.
The other day Jerm and I were at Home Depot, 'cause I needed some new pots for my plants-all I wanted was plain, standard terra cotta pots-pots that are only $2 or $3 dollars. The only pots they had at eye level were the fancy pots that were $10 or more. I managed to find a few standard pots, but the rest were way out of my reach and Jerm's reach, so he suggested that I find someone to help me. I found someone walking around and he said that someone from Lawn and Garden would be by shortly. Five minutes later a man who was shorter than me came up. Go figure!! He grabbed a ladder and then scaled the shelves to get to the pots. That's service for ya! ;)
3 weeks until the season 8 premiere of Stargate SG-1!!! Woohoo! Too bad I'll be in Minnesota then...must remember to set VCR.... ;)
I swear, I do have more posts about Marcon-I started one the other day, but didn't have the chance to finish it-I'll get back to finishing it soon...I hope! ;)
COMET UPDATE: Still haven't seen the comet-of course, the weather has been terrible at night, and there is just too much light pollution in the city of Cleveland. *sigh*
Oh, well-soon I'll be visiting my sister, and I'll actually be able to see some stars in the sky!! :-)
More lunchtime blogging from the cluttered desk of Romanadvoratrelundar.
Ahhh, sorry it's been so long since I last posted-I've either been too busy or too lazy to post. ;) Tomorrow I start housesitting for a friend of mine -I get to puppy-sit too! I'll be watching over the family dog, Blue. Unfortunately the side effect of this is that I have to get up earlier than I'm used to-so I can let the dog out and get to work on time-I have to remember to account for the fact that I will no longer be only a 5 minute bus ride from work for a few days. ;)
Sunburn, fireworks, small practices, and instruments that refuse to get in tune with each other-Yup! It's summertime and time for a brand new season of Italian Band! Sunday we performed in the procession for the Feast of St. Anthony-I think we sounded pretty good for only having 10 instruments. ;) Of course, silly me-forgot the sunscreen-so I came home with a sunburn-ow! Ah, you gotta love Italian band!
Hey Andy, I'm a sidekikc, too!! :)
Your comic relief saved you. You were probably
the hero's best friend and messed up a lot, but
helped him in some major way, believing in
yourself, near the end. As the sympathetic
character, you live.
How fast would you die in a cheesy zombie flick?
brought to you by Quizilla
Last week we watched 'Drop Dead Gorgeous', which takes place in a small town in Minnesota. After the movie I was asked if their accents were authentic, and I told them that I was wrong person to ask-I don't even realize when I speak in an accent! ;) Perseph insists that some of the characters sound like my mom. LOL.
The other day Jerm and I were at Home Depot, 'cause I needed some new pots for my plants-all I wanted was plain, standard terra cotta pots-pots that are only $2 or $3 dollars. The only pots they had at eye level were the fancy pots that were $10 or more. I managed to find a few standard pots, but the rest were way out of my reach and Jerm's reach, so he suggested that I find someone to help me. I found someone walking around and he said that someone from Lawn and Garden would be by shortly. Five minutes later a man who was shorter than me came up. Go figure!! He grabbed a ladder and then scaled the shelves to get to the pots. That's service for ya! ;)
3 weeks until the season 8 premiere of Stargate SG-1!!! Woohoo! Too bad I'll be in Minnesota then...must remember to set VCR.... ;)
I swear, I do have more posts about Marcon-I started one the other day, but didn't have the chance to finish it-I'll get back to finishing it soon...I hope! ;)
COMET UPDATE: Still haven't seen the comet-of course, the weather has been terrible at night, and there is just too much light pollution in the city of Cleveland. *sigh*
Oh, well-soon I'll be visiting my sister, and I'll actually be able to see some stars in the sky!! :-)