Email and other randomness....

D.W.Q.M.:: "My dear girl, I know a computer when I talk to one." -the Sixth Doctor

I'm sure most of you have heard about Google beta testing their new email (1GB of free space!). Since it's still in Beta mode, it's currently invite-only. I had the opportunity to get an account by using Blogger on a regular basis. I started out with 2 invites to give to friends, and then it bumped up to 7. Not sure what I'm going to do with 7 invites. I came across a link to -they are asking if you are a Gmail user if would you like to donate any extra invites you may have to our Troops. It will help them keep in touch with their families and friends back home without ever having to worry about deleting any email. :) If you are interested, click on the link and check it out! :) :)

Speaking of email-CWRUs email has been down for 2 days now. I feel as if I have lost a friend...a friend who provides nothing but junk mail and an occasionaly important message or two. ;) j/k-seriously though-I was reading ITSs memo about the crash, and shudder to think of what the next few days are going to be like email-wise. I am really glad that I had decided to use dreamingheart email for Perseph's wedding shower rsvps!!!!

Speaking of crazy computers, I was reading on SlashDot that according to an article on ZDNet that PCs use more sick days than people! Apparently the average employee uses 7 sick days, whereas the average PC was down due to a virus for 9 days a year. LOL! Ah, technology at it's best!!!!!

Not speaking of techno music-I've become quite fond of the duo, Orbital (have been for a while, actually) I first heard their music on the Mortal Kombat CD (Halcyon + On + On) and thought it was really cool. I just recently found out that on one of their latest albums, The Altogether they have a track called 'Doctor?', which is a remix of the Doctor Who theme, made for the 40th Anniversary. I finally was able to hear the track, and I think it's really cool!! :)
