The tvjunkie files #6

D.W.Q.M.: Sgt. Benton: "What are we going to do now?"
The Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"

First-special note to Jerm-thanks for noticing the typos in my previous entry! I changed Leona to Leonar, now maybe it will make more sense! Maybe I should make use of the 'abc' button in the blogger toolbar... ;)

Ok, on with the tv stuff:

Series: Navy: NCIS (CBS)
Episode: Split Decision
Original Airdate: 05/11/2004

Tony: "I thought you couldn't put Humpty back together again."
Cait: "That's because all the king had were horses and men."

Ah, I love the banter between those two. I'm also glad I watched the episode ("Dead Man Talking, 04/27/2004) that was "worth the price of admission" (as quoted by "the Doctor")-there was a little side in this one that I would not have fully appreciated if I had missed it. ;) Bantering aside, I thought this was another good episode-I'm glad that at least one of JAG's spinoffs has become popular. ;) I'll admit, I knew that Gibbs getting shot was just a setup, but I had no idea who was in on it!

Put in more McGee!! I love his character-innocent compared to Tony, yet not so innocent-also, I think he'll keep Tony in his place-maybe Tony'll become less of a jacka$$ with McGee around more-then again, if that happens, we won't have the fun banter between Tony and Nah, I think he'll still be an a$$-it'll just be more fun with McGee around. ;)

Series: The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)
Episode: The DVD show Revisited (reunion special)
Original Airdate: 05/11/2004

Sally: "Damn? Hell? Rob, since when did you start swearing?"
Laura: "Since we got cable."

Ahhhh..I love this show!! So what if the original series ended over a decade before I was born? Thanks to Nick at Nite and TvLand, I got to see, IMO, some of the best comedy acting out there! Carl Reiner is such at good writer. Instead of the usual cast reunions and reminiscing over old clips (which has been the most popular reunion show fare as of late), The DVD show revisited picked up with Rob and Laura nearly 40 years later. Yes, they did have an introduction with Ray Romano (which was very good, btw), and yes, they did have clips-but they were woven into the story as the characters remembered the times they had while working for the eccentric Alan Brady. Some clips from my favorite episodes were included ("Where Did I Come From", "The Ghost of A. Chance" and "It May Look Like a Walnut", to name a few) Good actors + good writers + good producers = fantastic show!! Thank god the storm that hit last night didn't knock out the power-I would've been one unhappy camper last night! I could go on, but you probably already think I'm nuts. ;)

Series: Judging Amy
Episode: My Little Runaway
Original Airdate: 05/11/2004

Ah, I have found another friend who likes Judging Amy-way cool! ;)

I knew that something was going to happen when Lauren asked to go to the skateboarding park with Victor-I just didn't know it was going to be a kid getting hit by a car, and I didn't know that Victor would be the victim. It brought Amy and David back together again-well sort of-she was there to support a friend (dang!) Well, ok, I can see her point-but she never let David explain why he took off again. Yes, he has issues-who wouldn't after seeing what he saw? But I still am hoping that something will bring them together again as a couple. Alicia is doubtful, but Karen agrees with me. :) Am I a hopeless romantic? In this case, yes!

Poor Maxine-Sean is dating her boyfriend Ignacio's daughter-and he has been accepted by the matriarch of the family (Ignacio's mother) and she has not. These relationships could get interesting.. And Kyle is returning home-I wonder what he's going to do-continue his residency at the hospital? Haven't heard much about Peter and Gillian lately...wonder if we will this season...

Next week Bill O'Reilly guest stars on the season finale! What a hoot! Can't wait to see that! ;)
