a few thoughts on the "New Blogger"...

D.W.Q.M.: "Well, nothing's perfect. Have to take the rough with the smooth." -the Fourth Doctor

Shatner: "What's..new..about it?"
..."Who could possible replace me?"
Nimoy:*knock, knock* "Hey, guys! Heeey, Bill."
Shatner: "Hey, Leonar..."

*heehee* Sorry, I couldn't help it-I just had to quote my favorite Priceline commerical!

Once again, Blogger has changed it's look-and it's features!! Don't really know how I feel about this change, but we'll see if I get used to it. ;)

Some new features: Besides Blogger having "more curves", it now offers comments! Unfortunately, they are like LiveJournal's comments-you can either post with your blogger name, or as anonymous-plus there is no place to leave your email or website (not that I require you do that, but if you want to leave those with your comments, I'd like to have that option open!) So I guess for now I'll stick with my current commenting system. Another feature I'm not too sure about is the 'dashboard'. When you log in, you get taken to your dashboard, which basically is the same page you would see if you just went to www.blogger.com, minus your blog information. You can also set up a profile, and you can choose whether or not you want it made public. What I miss is the '10 most recently published blogs' feature-now if I want see that-I have to be logged in!

Some cool things-Permalinks-now you can set up your blogger to have permalinks so each entry can have a page of it's own. Now (if I set up the permalinks option) if I wanted to refer you to an old post, I can send you to just the post, instead of a page with several old entries on it. Neato. (although I think the template I am currently using already allows for that, but I'm not sure.) Also, my 'dashboard' displays statistics about my blog-like how many posts I have made, the average frequency per week, etc. Not really important, I guess, but I still think it's cool. 8-) Posting is still straight forward (yay!) *heehee* Guess I'll have to play around with it's new features some more. *Wheee!* :-)
