Space weather forecast
D.W.Q.M.: "Oh, by the way, talking of eggs, I want a four-hour scan below the hydrogen line tomorrow; I'll give you the precise wavelength later." -One of the astronomers in "Terror of the Autons"
I'm sure some of you will hate me, but I have to say it, I just have to say it: "Stupid warm front!!!"
There, that's better. The warm front that came through last night also brought clouds and a few sprinkles-not good if you're trying to catch a glimpse of the northern lights!!
According to NOAA there is going to be plenty of solar activity over the next few days. The active regions(there are currently three active regions-486, 488, and 484) of the sun are likely to produce more major flare activity (although probably not as big as the X17 on Tuesday). Yesterday region 486 (same region as the X17) produced another flare-X10. 486 has been the most active, with 488 looking promising also. 484 flares have been C and M class. I'm hoping it will remain clear tonight, even though I haven't heard any aurora reports around Ohio for today(in part because I can't seem to get into the site where I found yesterday's sighting info). Also, last I checked, there wasn't any info/predictions about the results from X10 flare yet. Still, it never hurts to look! :)
I wish I could offer some advice as where to look (besides in a northernly direction ;) )-like I said before, the last time I saw the northern lights was when I was a little girl in Minneapolis. NOAA has a site for aurora viewing tips, although that might not be very helpful unless you are familiar with the Kp index and your magnetic latitude. (btw, I think Cleveland's magnetic latitude is around 41-for comparision, Minneapolis is 55.1) It's never 'cut and dry', but that's what makes it fun! (or in some cases...frustrating!) :)
On another note, I finally finished my virtual front porch page!! Just in time for Halloween! Feel free to check it out:
I hope you enjoy the pictures!
I'm sure some of you will hate me, but I have to say it, I just have to say it: "Stupid warm front!!!"
There, that's better. The warm front that came through last night also brought clouds and a few sprinkles-not good if you're trying to catch a glimpse of the northern lights!!
According to NOAA there is going to be plenty of solar activity over the next few days. The active regions(there are currently three active regions-486, 488, and 484) of the sun are likely to produce more major flare activity (although probably not as big as the X17 on Tuesday). Yesterday region 486 (same region as the X17) produced another flare-X10. 486 has been the most active, with 488 looking promising also. 484 flares have been C and M class. I'm hoping it will remain clear tonight, even though I haven't heard any aurora reports around Ohio for today(in part because I can't seem to get into the site where I found yesterday's sighting info). Also, last I checked, there wasn't any info/predictions about the results from X10 flare yet. Still, it never hurts to look! :)
I wish I could offer some advice as where to look (besides in a northernly direction ;) )-like I said before, the last time I saw the northern lights was when I was a little girl in Minneapolis. NOAA has a site for aurora viewing tips, although that might not be very helpful unless you are familiar with the Kp index and your magnetic latitude. (btw, I think Cleveland's magnetic latitude is around 41-for comparision, Minneapolis is 55.1) It's never 'cut and dry', but that's what makes it fun! (or in some cases...frustrating!) :)
On another note, I finally finished my virtual front porch page!! Just in time for Halloween! Feel free to check it out:
I hope you enjoy the pictures!