
D.W.Q.M.: "I see, Captain Yates. So the Doctor was frozen stiff at the barrow, then revived by a freak heatwave. Benton was beaten up by invisible forces, and the local white witch claims she's seen the devil. Apart from that, it's been a quiet night?" -the Brigadier

No, I didn't forget the 'r'. I really wanted to use the word 'Boing!' in the title...for the lack of a better one.

Before I begin, is there anyone out there who knows a thing or two about modems? My new modem started acting up-it wouldn't talk to the computer or something. I tried to reinstall, got it to work once, and then my computer crashed, and I haven't be able to make it work since. We've pulled it out, plugged it back in, the main trouble is every time I try to delete the current drivers(so I can reinstall them), I get an error message saying there's an application that trying to use the drivers. I have no idea what it could be, since it won't connect to the internet. *sigh* This puts a damper on plans to do anything besides basic blogger entry, at least for now, anyway... Any ideas as to what application might be trying to use the drivers? Has anyone had this problem before?

Baseball season is officially over for me-oh, I'll probably watch the World Series, but my team is out. :( I got home Sunday afternoon just in time to see the Twins loose to the Yankees at the Metrodome. 6 runs in one inning...ouch. or was it 4? I dunno, it's all sort of a blurr for me least the Packers won Sunday afternoon!!! :) Anyho, so now I think a Sox vs. Cubs series might be pretty cool-something different from the usual (yah, I know, I'm only saying that because my team is out-and I'm not ashamed to admit that!! LOL. ) ;) Ok, so the Twins haven't been in that many playoffs, but they won the World Series in 1987 and 1991...hmm...I guess that was a while ago...I need to stop making myself sound so old!!!!!

It's the second week of October and I don't even have my Halloween decos up-if you've seen my apartment the past few years, you'll know that I am totally slacking here. ;)

Things to do this week:
-feed fishies :) not a problem :)
-figure out what is wrong with modem (blah)
-take down spring time/summer-patriotic lights and finish packing up spring/summer knicknacks and candle holders
-dig out Halloween decos-goal is to have most of them up by Sunday...*heehee* we'll see.
-work on scarf!!!

I'm sure I've left out some other stuff, but no need to bore you all with those! :)
