
Showing posts from October, 2003

"The sky looks red...."

D.W.Q.M.: "Eurkea!" -the Third Doctor Persephone, Northern lights take 2 was a success!!! Yay!!! I went outside tonight (thursday) around 7pm EDT to wait for Persephone, Heather, and Jon (the four of us were going to dinner). I step outside my apartment, and notice that just above the roof, the sky was looking redder than usual-not 'the-sun-is-setting" red or 'hey-there's-a-fire!' red, but red as in 'northern lights' red. I couldn't believe it, since we've been disappointed the past couple of nights. So quickly ran around my building so I could get a better look, and lo and behold, I was seeing the aurora borealis!!! The northern lights! Here in Cleveland!!! I was soo excited-I gave Jerm a call 'cause a promised him I would (i hope he was able to see it from his apartment-there are an awful lot of trees in the direction of the display i saw) When Persephone, Heather, and Jon arrived, I began waving my arms around and ...

Space weather forecast

D.W.Q.M.: "Oh, by the way, talking of eggs, I want a four-hour scan below the hydrogen line tomorrow; I'll give you the precise wavelength later." -One of the astronomers in "Terror of the Autons" I'm sure some of you will hate me, but I have to say it, I just have to say it: "Stupid warm front!!!" There, that's better. The warm front that came through last night also brought clouds and a few sprinkles-not good if you're trying to catch a glimpse of the northern lights!! According to NOAA there is going to be plenty of solar activity over the next few days. The active regions(there are currently three active regions-486, 488, and 484) of the sun are likely to produce more major flare activity (although probably not as big as the X17 on Tuesday). Yesterday region 486 (same region as the X17) produced another flare-X10. 486 has been the most active, with 488 looking promising also. 484 flares have been C and M class. I...


this is an update on the Aurora Borealis, as well as a test to see if I can get my blog to republish correctly! ;) Around 4am EDT, there was a reported sighting of the Aurora Borealis in Watersville, OH (near Toledo)!!!! Chances are good that we might actually see something, provided the weather holds up. (of course, as with most astronomical events of this type, we might see something, we might not. Here's hoping for the best!)

Aurora Borealis, Shining Down in Dallas....

...Can you picture that? ;) D.W.Q.M.: "One day we'll know all the mysteries of the skies, and we'll stop our wanderings." -Susan Foreman Ah, the Sun is at it again. Last week we witnessed a solar storm that many hoped would trigger the aurorae (northern and southern lights). Well, I don't know about you, but it was too cloudy here in Cleveland to see anything. Sounds like there wasn't much to see, anyway. Never you fear, Aurorae lovers! We have another chance-and a much , much bigger one at that. First, a little astronomy lesson (I love this stuff!!!) Solar flares are classified as C (weak), M (moderate), and X(strong) with a corresponding number-the higher the number, the bigger the flare. Last week's solar flare was classifed between X1 and X5, according to SOHO (the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. The one that was emitted yesterday was classified as X17!!! That's the third largest one ever recorded!!! Now, this doesn...

Here's to friends, near and far! :)

D.W.Q.M.: "I know it's irrational, but human beings are quite my favorite species." -the Fourth Doctor Before I begin, I'd like to say 'Hi!' to Carol from New Zealand! I came across her blog after I had updated my own-the name 'Aragorn' caught my eye (LOTR, need I say more? ;) ) Carol is originally from the U.K. and is currently taking a career break(from the police), working(with horses and other animals) and living in NZ. I've been reading her blog since August, and finally decided to drop her a line-she was delighted to have another state-side reader. :) This weekend P^2 and I took a trip down to visit Sasha and her family before they move to VA this weekend. Before we headed down, Persephone and I canvased Coventry Village in search for the perfect going-away gift. Since Sasha loves gargoyles, we decided to try High Tide and Rock Bottom first. We walk in, and we see this skeleton dressed in a black cloak and red glasses wit...


D.W.Q.M.: "I often think dimensional transcendentalism is preposterous, but it works." -the Fourth Doctor I'm sorry I haven't written anything lately-I've been too lazy at home and during my lunch hour to write! My Halloween decos are finally up, and I even have a new building for my Spooky Town village! woo-hoo! It turns out that my sister is starting a Halloween village-she's collecting Spooky Town houses, too. I didn't know where she was getting them, but when I talked to her, she started describing a building that I had in my collection! Ah, yes, she is truly my sister. :-D We're both really excited, and it'll be really cool to see how she sets hers up! (hmmm...better tell her to take a picture) There's a section in the Spooky Town home page where people send in pics of their set ups-boy, they can be really fancy!! Maybe I should look into getting accesorries (like people, trees, pumpkins, etc) rather than houses, to make my ...

coming soon to a library near you...

D.W.Q.M.: The Fourth Doctor: "Should we try using our intelligence? Leela: "Well, if you think that's a good idea." Breakfast cereal of the day: Captain Smack Puffs- 'the heroin that smokes like a joint' Brought to you by Paul. :) Interesting gadget of the week: A coffin that, with the press of 2 buttons, explodes into a jet ski-MacGyver style, of course. :) Most Exciting Sports moment of the weekend: the Fourth Inning of the 2nd Boston Red Sox/New York Yankees playoff game. Cleared the benches! 'nuff said. Goal for the Week: To finish putting up all of my Halloween decorations! Well, I'm over halfway there-99% of my lights, 95% of the halloween garland and 100% of the wall and window decos are up. I just have to arrange a few Halloween figures around, and find a place for my lighted Halloween village, and then I'm all set. I love lights-just ask anybody who has been to my apartment. ;) Things are pretty slow here at the li...

time for fun!

D.W.Q.M.: "There's no point in being grownup if you can't be childish sometimes." -the Fourth Doctor Ahh..inner childhood... My inner child is ten years old! The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost in a good book, or giggling with my best friend, I live in a world apart, one full of adventure and wonder and other stuff adults don't understand. How Old is Your Inner Child? brought to you by Quizilla We could all use a little break to discover our inner child. :)


D.W.Q.M.: "I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow." -the Third Doctor THANK YOU, PAUL!!! He fixed my modem problem!! I'm online at home again! Well, at least for now, until the next problem. LOL, look at me, I'm sounding like, as Col. O'Neill put it, 'Mr. Glass-is-half-empty.' ;) Nah, it'll be alright, if the same problem should arrise, Paul showed me what to do. When Arthur asked what he did, Paul said he did the software equivalent of 'taking the screw out and putting it back in.' For those unfamiliar with the story behind that statement, when Paul's vcr was acting up, Jer looked at the vcr, took out one screw, then put it back in, and it worked!!! :) Now, if only we could solve the mystery of the disappearance of my Network Neighborhood icon from my desktop.... :-D This is Romanadvoratrelundar checking in from home! Yay!


D.W.Q.M.: "I see, Captain Yates. So the Doctor was frozen stiff at the barrow, then revived by a freak heatwave. Benton was beaten up by invisible forces, and the local white witch claims she's seen the devil. Apart from that, it's been a quiet night?" -the Brigadier No, I didn't forget the 'r'. I really wanted to use the word 'Boing!' in the title...for the lack of a better one. Before I begin, is there anyone out there who knows a thing or two about modems? My new modem started acting up-it wouldn't talk to the computer or something. I tried to reinstall, got it to work once, and then my computer crashed, and I haven't be able to make it work since. We've pulled it out, plugged it back in, the main trouble is every time I try to delete the current drivers(so I can reinstall them), I get an error message saying there's an application that trying to use the drivers. I have no idea what it could be, since it won't...

A.J.'s Country Kitchen

D.W.Q.M.: "Chap with wings there...Five rounds rapid!!" -the Brigadier, issuing the most ludicrous order in military history. ;) Forget the IHOP, I wanna go to A.J.'s Country Kitchen in Anola, Manitoba! Ah, the playoffs-gotta love baseball, gotta love statistics, gotta love so called sports analyzers/commentators with their predictions and their so-called knowledge. The Twins suprised everyone(well, I suspect mostly Yankee fans and sports analyzers) Tuesday afternoon when they beat the Yankees at Yankee Stadium, 3-1. It was almost a shut-out, but they let a Yankee run sneak by in the bottom of the ninth. So Thursday night, it was Yankee this, Yankee that. What will the Yankees do if the Twins beat them tonight?!? Might be the end for Joe Torre, are they still the fabulous team they once were? blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc. Enough!!!! PLAY BALL, PLEASE!!!!!!!!! (to be fair, I also dislike it when they talk about the team i'm rootin' fo...