Like mother, like daughter, or, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree....or something. :)

D.W.Q.M.: "There's nothing only about being a girl." -Sarah Jane Smith

You would never guess it by just looking at her. I mean, how could this sweet, innocent mother/grandmother, who knits and crochets, is active in her church community and spoils her children and grandchildren (especially her grandchildren!) be a scifi nut? Well, that's my mom!! My father is responsible for my love of astronomy, and he is also partially responsible for my love of scifi as well...but my mom certainly has had a hand in it!! Besides Doctor Who, my mom would watch BattlestaR Galatica with me when I was little, as well as the original Star Trek. Later in high school, she introduced me to the Dragonriders of Pern series, as well as the Rowan series (both written by Anne McCaffrey)

Well, this past summer while I was in Minnesota, she got me hooked on Charmed-she would watch it on TNT when she would get home from work, and I would join her. So, when she came to visit me last week, she brought several of her Charmed tapes for me. Not to be out done, I decided to try to get her hooked on Stargate. Conviently enough, Mondays on SciFi, they have a Stargate marathon-so we watched that, plus I have the first 3 episodes on dvd, which we also watched (the monday marathon is in the middle of season 5). I think she likes it!! well, she likes Richard Dean Anderson, anyway. ;) Also, I don't know how it came up, but while we were talking about scifi programs, she suddenly mentioned that she might actually watch Farscape too! (even though it was cancelled...stupid scifi...they do show old episodes at midnight on Sundays...but I digress) So, since I have the first 2 seasons on dvd, I sent her home with as much of those two seasons that I had on tape. Ah-ha!! in the game of Hooking People on SciFi, it's Daughter 2, Mother 1!!!!! (well, at least for now-she also likes Roswell, and wants to get me to watch it...ah, the joys of syndication....) ;)

But, alas, my mom had to head back up north on Friday. :( We had fun while she was here though!! (even if she did embarrass me with stories of when I was little when we went over to P^2's house for dinner Thursday night!! ;) ) She even took part in taco night, and we had fun playing Phase 10 (it had been a while since she's had the chance to play) Plus, we got to go to some garage sales together, and we found some really neat stuff! My mom always finds the coolest stuff at garage sales and thrift stores. plus, since P^2 has a house now, she says she has more people to shop for! She also got to see the progress i've made on my scarf, and she thinks it's really cool. :))) I'm glad she had the chance to visit-it's been almost 4 years since her last visit, plus, she really needed a vacation. Jerm was here when she left, so he helped us load the car (thank you, Jerm!) Then he decided to tease me, in his typical fashion- he said, 'you know how when you're on the phone it takes you forever to say goodbye to each other? You've given your mom 6 hugs now!!' ;) My mom thought that was pretty funny, so she ran up to me and gave me another hug, just to tease him. LOL. My mom is so cool. :) :) :)

scarf update: 321/830 rows (yes, finally-another scarf update!!) ;)
