I ain't gonna use that new-fangled contraption!

D.W.Q.M.: "We still have our homicidal computer to deal with." - the 6th Doctor

Ahh, time for a little lunchtime blogging.

Okay, I'll admit, new techy things can be cool-but sometimes they are a pain in the butt!! For example, today the library just received new copiers. It's amazing what copiers can do now-you can scan, copy, fax, and use it as a printer! (i personally do not use it as a printer, 'cause i get very annoyed when I'm copying new approval slips in colors other than white, and a printing job comes through-priority goes to the printing job, and the owner has their work printed out in lovely pink, blue, or purple paper...depending on the week) Well, all morning staff memebers having been running back and forth, trying to figure out how to work the new mega-copier...and aparrently it's not set up for printing yet, and when you copy, if you put the item you want copied on the left side of the copier, you get a honking huge legal size print out, rather than the standard letter size. For that you have to use the right side. I remember when all you had to do was push a button that said 'legal' or 'letter'. Anyho, it's so big that there is a 'show-n-tell' at 2 today, so the tech team can show us how to use the new machines.

Speaking of crazy technology, yesterday my tv decided to read all channels through the video input. Yesterday morning when I turned on the tv, all I got was an unusable signal. Now, if my cable had been disconnected somehow, I would have seen only snow, and I swear I didn't mess with any of the settings for it. My programming guide still had the channel information, I was just staring at a blank screen. I didn't have time to mess with it before work, so when I got home, I discovered that if you turned on the vcr, the channels came through. I was having a little fun flipping through the tv channels and seeing the same program on all of them. ;) After I tired of that, I checked all the settings on my tv, and somehow by doing that my tv remembered it's original programming. Woo! Back to normal....for now... ;)

As some of you may know, I've started working on a web page. All I have right now is a page that basically says 'this site under construction' and a link to my blog. Hopefully I will be able to add more to it soon-just as soon as I figure out some more html coding!! I managed to edit some of the buttons and nameplates for my site, but I had a little trouble getting the background to show up...got it to work, but i'm not sure how... ;) Ah, what fun!!! If you would like to see what I currently have (which isn't much), click here. That will probably be there until I finish my new index page, along with at least a couple of other pages. Don't know how long that will be though-I'm still relatively new to this!! ;) BTW, I scanned and resized the image myself. *heehee* go me! ;)

Well, i better be going-i'm going to have to at least learn how to use the fax on the new copier, since I do fax things from time to time. At least I know how to copy...(as long as I remember to put my original on the ride side of the machine! ;) )
