...and still, the band played on...
D.W.Q.M.: "I can feel my hair curling, which either means its going to rain, or I'm onto something." -the Fourth Doctor
Ah...the Feast just wouldn't be the Feast unless there was a threat of rain at least one of the days. All day Saturday (well, okay, the half of Saturday that I was up! ;) ) we watched the weather forecast and the radar-the rain was coming! Would it be enough to cancel the Feast? Of course not! We started off as usual in the streets, and there was a slight drizzle, which became heavier as time wore on. Jesse suggested to our fearless leader Nick, that we stop by Primo Vino ( I have yet to actually eat there!!) and play there while waiting it out. It looked like Nick didn't want to do that just yet (he wanted to go around the neighborhood some more) but Jesse convinced him that it would be a good idea-because we still had to get through Sunday (small procession around St. Roccos church, and the evening procession at Holy Rosary) and we didn't need clarinet and saxophone pads falling out on us before the weekend was thorugh. Nick agreed and we headed to the resturant. Now, I don't know if you've ever been to Primo Vino or not, but it's very small, a little on the dark side, and when we play there, it gets really loud! Usually it's pretty crowded too-it's amazing we all fit in there with our instruments. They seem to enjoy us, and serve us drinks. Since it's air conditioned, it's a nice break from the muggy weather. Afterwards it was quite obvious that there had been a downpour-good thing we were inside!! :)
Even though it had rained, it was still quite muggy, so when we made a stop at someone's house who had a small wading pool, a few of us dunked our heads into it! :) That was quite refreshing!!! Unfortunately, though, there was still a threat of rain-while we were visiting two shut ins, it began to drizzle again. Several of us broke into 'Singing in the Rain' and 'Yellow Submarine'. (ah, to think, if this had been 15 years ago, and my parents singing, I would have been very embarrassed.) Not anymore. (hey, i'm still not that old. ;) ) So we decided to break early and see what happens.
While we were waiting it out, Father Rocco came to visit us-aparently Jesse had arranged another piece for us to play during the evening procession, and Father Rocco wanted to hear it. He liked it, and then asked us to play what we usually play. (ok, I do know the name of the song, but I'm not sure how to spell it, so rather than embarrass myself, I'll just wait until St. Roccos next week and write down the name then!) Apparently we have been playing it a little to slow, so he asked us to speed it up a little, and seemed pleased with the results. (We did this in one of the third floor classrooms at the school, so the music echoed quite a bit. :) ) Anyho, he said he was glad he got the chance to talk to us, because he rarely gets the chance to talk to us all at once. On his last trip to Italy, he said he got some really good ideas for the procession-every year he's working on a new aspect of the Feast celebration, and this year it was the procession. He said he wants to make it so that the Plain Dealer will stop calling it a parade, and start calling it a procession. Afterwards he told us that it was our call about the rain-if it stops, great, go out and play...and if it doesn't, well, not much you can do about that-but he agreed about not wanting the clarinets and saxophones out in the rain more than necessary. But we still stuck it out-our first set we set up right next to the school, and didn't bring out the black books (the only music that isn't water proof), but after the first set, it looked like the rain had passed, so we brought them out. I'm glad too, 'cause I like playing music from the black books! The rest of the evening went pretty well, the only bad part was when someone who apparently had a little too much drinky, nearly knocked me off my chair when she bumped into me. Oh, well-that sometimes happens. ;)
Three days down, and one more to go! :)
Ah...the Feast just wouldn't be the Feast unless there was a threat of rain at least one of the days. All day Saturday (well, okay, the half of Saturday that I was up! ;) ) we watched the weather forecast and the radar-the rain was coming! Would it be enough to cancel the Feast? Of course not! We started off as usual in the streets, and there was a slight drizzle, which became heavier as time wore on. Jesse suggested to our fearless leader Nick, that we stop by Primo Vino ( I have yet to actually eat there!!) and play there while waiting it out. It looked like Nick didn't want to do that just yet (he wanted to go around the neighborhood some more) but Jesse convinced him that it would be a good idea-because we still had to get through Sunday (small procession around St. Roccos church, and the evening procession at Holy Rosary) and we didn't need clarinet and saxophone pads falling out on us before the weekend was thorugh. Nick agreed and we headed to the resturant. Now, I don't know if you've ever been to Primo Vino or not, but it's very small, a little on the dark side, and when we play there, it gets really loud! Usually it's pretty crowded too-it's amazing we all fit in there with our instruments. They seem to enjoy us, and serve us drinks. Since it's air conditioned, it's a nice break from the muggy weather. Afterwards it was quite obvious that there had been a downpour-good thing we were inside!! :)
Even though it had rained, it was still quite muggy, so when we made a stop at someone's house who had a small wading pool, a few of us dunked our heads into it! :) That was quite refreshing!!! Unfortunately, though, there was still a threat of rain-while we were visiting two shut ins, it began to drizzle again. Several of us broke into 'Singing in the Rain' and 'Yellow Submarine'. (ah, to think, if this had been 15 years ago, and my parents singing, I would have been very embarrassed.) Not anymore. (hey, i'm still not that old. ;) ) So we decided to break early and see what happens.
While we were waiting it out, Father Rocco came to visit us-aparently Jesse had arranged another piece for us to play during the evening procession, and Father Rocco wanted to hear it. He liked it, and then asked us to play what we usually play. (ok, I do know the name of the song, but I'm not sure how to spell it, so rather than embarrass myself, I'll just wait until St. Roccos next week and write down the name then!) Apparently we have been playing it a little to slow, so he asked us to speed it up a little, and seemed pleased with the results. (We did this in one of the third floor classrooms at the school, so the music echoed quite a bit. :) ) Anyho, he said he was glad he got the chance to talk to us, because he rarely gets the chance to talk to us all at once. On his last trip to Italy, he said he got some really good ideas for the procession-every year he's working on a new aspect of the Feast celebration, and this year it was the procession. He said he wants to make it so that the Plain Dealer will stop calling it a parade, and start calling it a procession. Afterwards he told us that it was our call about the rain-if it stops, great, go out and play...and if it doesn't, well, not much you can do about that-but he agreed about not wanting the clarinets and saxophones out in the rain more than necessary. But we still stuck it out-our first set we set up right next to the school, and didn't bring out the black books (the only music that isn't water proof), but after the first set, it looked like the rain had passed, so we brought them out. I'm glad too, 'cause I like playing music from the black books! The rest of the evening went pretty well, the only bad part was when someone who apparently had a little too much drinky, nearly knocked me off my chair when she bumped into me. Oh, well-that sometimes happens. ;)
Three days down, and one more to go! :)