...and the band played on...

"Holy Rosary, Batman!" -Jerm

Well, this post will cover two events-the first night of the Feast, and the blackout we had here in Cleveland. Our first night at the Feast was rather short due to black out, which started just after 4pm. I was still at work-in the middle of a record, in fact, when the lights flickered, went out for a second,came back on-then we lost our internet connection, and all of the lights in the library went out and the emergency lights blinked on. Mike, one of our tech team members went around and told us to unplug everything. After we discovered that several other states and Canada was affected, I gave my sister a call in MN. I asked her if she still had power, and she groggily said 'yeah'. I told her to turn on CNN or something, and she started to tell me that she was sleepy. So I said, 'the entire eastern seaboard just lost power!'(an exaggeration, i know-but i got a very satisfying 'WHAT?!' from my sister. ;) ) She turned on the news, and my coworkers listened in as i relayed what was being said to them. Well, the library cleared out pretty fast, and I debated whether or not I should go home or to Little Italy. After hanging out at the circ desk for a while, i decided to brave the traffic on Euclid and Mayfield (i had to dodge traffic) and stop by Holy Rosary school (our meeting place) Good thing I did-I was told as long as they closed the streets, we would play. Go, Band!

There weren't very many of us the first night (understandable, under the circumstances), but they closed the streets, and we started to play. We moved from Mayfield to the street between the Church and Presti's, and after we finished a song, Jerm comes up to me and says, 'Holy Rosary, Batman!' then steps away and said, 'I'm good. My work here is done.' I heard someone behind me say '*hehheh, I like that...' His comment was a big hit with the band. :) Unfortunately we were told that they had to open Mayfield, and Father Rocco asked us to stop at 7, because they were worried that if we stayed and played, the crowd would stick around and hinder traffic-but they were still planning on having the procession the next day.

Well, Jerm came over to hang out for a while, so we ate popsicles before they melted, and watched the news on my portable black and white tv. Earlier, when we were still in Little Italy, we saw someone from Channel 3 who had been there for 3 hours. All the news stations kept saying they wondered how many people were actually watching them (i doubt many people had battery operated tvs, but you never know ;) ) When the sun began to set, we went outside to see how dark it really was, and I was shocked to discover that there were actually stars in the cleveland skies! ;) We even saw the Milky Way! We walked around my apartment to see if the moon or Mars had started to rise, and as we walked back, we saw a bright meteor rip across the sky through the Big Dipper. Totally awesome!!! Unfortunatley since the moon was only a couple of days past full,when it began to rise, the sky began to lighten. Jerm left shortly there after, and I gave Persephone and Paul a call to let them know what was happening, and then decided to turn in...well, okay, not really-I went outside again, and boy-the moonlight was so bright it was almost like the street lights were working. It was quite eerie, with no sounds except for the crickets. Yes, what an evening it had been...

Tonight's blog was edited with the help of P^2 (Persephone and Paul) ;) Thanks for letting me use your computer, guys! :)))

Stay tuned for part 2 of the Feast! (and there will be more stuff about Italian band, I promise! ;) ) LOL.
