Book review-Vader's Little Princess

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I found this book on display in the graphic novels section of our library’s CPL leisure collection. Although I had basically given up reading any Star Wars alternate universe books long ago, I still have a soft spot for comics and this was just too cute to pass up. I mean seriously-the cover has Darth Vader having a tea party with a tiny Princess Leia and her stuffed Ewok. I couldn’t help but giggle. I soon found out that this is a sequel of sorts to another book, Darth Vader and Son. Although I haven’t read the first one yet, I really don’t think you need to, unless you’re really anal about it…
If you are looking for a ‘what might have been’ type comic, then move on. This is by no means that-and it’s not supposed to be. It’s a humorous, fun little read. I mean, do you really think someone as big and mean as Darth Vader would take time out of his very busy day of taking over the universe to have a tea party with his daughter, or allow her to cut heart shapes out of his cape without punishing her?
There are some familiar lines and scenes from the original trilogy mixed in with original ideas to weave a story that shows that even big ‘ole mean Darth Vader can’t figure out how to wrangle a little girl. Despite the trials and tribulations of raising a girl into a grown woman, he’ll always have a soft spot for his ‘Little Princess’.
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