Showing posts from 2013
Happy 50th Doctor Who!!!!!!
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It's here!! It's here!!!! The 50th Anniversary of my most favorite television program on Earth! Happy 50th Doctor Who!!! I've been watching Doctor Who since I've been a tiny little thing. My first episode was The Time Warrior. Since I was so young, I didn't remember much of the story until almost two decades later when I finally got my hands on a VHS copy. (Yes you youngin's, BEFORE dvd/blu-ray players!) ;) The thing I remembered most from the episode was when the Third Doctor first met Sarah Jane. She had just walked into the room she was sharing with the Doctor and Prof. Rubish and tried to pull off pretending to be her Aunt Lavinia. (of course the Doctor saw right through that!) ;) Doctor Who was a family affair in our household. Our local PBS station in Minneapolis, KTCA (now TPT, I think...) aired Doctor Who on Friday and Saturday nights-although they did try a little bit of everything, it seemed. Friday and Saturday wer...
Celebrating 50 years!
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Thursday I was sitting at work, when my coworker Nora, herself a Whovian, came up to me and asked me if I knew about the Art Bites tour at the Cleveland Museum of Art (Art Bites are 30 minute gallery tours during the lunch hour) This week's topic? Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey! Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who by taking a tour of galleries of places that the Doctor and his companions visited. Well, duh! Of course I was in! Fellow Whovian Elanor joined us, too! The woman giving the tour was obviously a big Whovian herself (well, of course she was-she came up with the idea for this Art Bite. ;) ). The stories represented were The Romans, The Wedding of River Song, A Good Man Goes to War, The Girl in the Fireplace (the museum has the most beautiful rug on display-hard to believe it's from Louis XV's dining room!), and Vincent and the Doctor. It was a really awesome tour that went by really fast (and reminded me that I really should take advantage of the ...
Top 10 Favorite Doctor Who Companions
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Three days until the 50th Anniversary!!!! Fun fact-Three was my first Doctor! The first episode I remember watching as a child was The Time Warrior with Jon Pertwee and Elisabeth Sladen's first appearance as Sarah Jane Smith. They say your first companion is always your favorite-not sure how true it is, but in my case, it certainly is!!!! She was like the older sister I never had. Speaking of favorite companions, the folks at BBC America's Anglophenia blog have come up with top favorite lists to celebrate the 50th Anniversary. Check out their companion list! 10 Favorite Companions ...obviously, I totally agree with No. 1 on their list. ;) I also have to agree with No. 2-I love Donna Noble-I felt as though she was the Sarah Jane Smith of the "New Who" era. :) I pretty much agree with the entire list- (yes, even though Rose is on the list-I had no problem with her during her tenure with 9-I just felt that with 10 she got to whiny and needed....
4 Days and counting!!!!
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4 days until the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who!!!!! Here is a great post from BBC America's Anglophenia blog filled with all sorts of video clips and information about the 50th anniversary, including the pre-show before The Day of the Doctor !!! :-D Countdown to the Day of the Doctor Enjoy!!! #SaveTheDay
Doctor Who 50th!
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The 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who is only a week away!!!!! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! I've been watching the show since I was 2 and a half-years old! There is so much I could say, but for now, I'll let these videos do the talking. :-D Trailer for The Day of the Doctor I see some serious 'sonic' envy happening in this trailer-do you? LOL. Prequel Mini-sode, Night of the Doctor Just a link to it, for those who don't want to be completely spoiled. ;) Doctor Who Children in Need special, the Day of the Doctor: Preview for the Doctor Who biopic, An Adventure in Space and Time Are you as excited as I am?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :-D
Book review-Vader's Little Princess
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Vader's Little Princess by Jeffrey Brown My rating: 4 of 5 stars I found this book on display in the graphic novels section of our library’s CPL leisure collection. Although I had basically given up reading any Star Wars alternate universe books long ago, I still have a soft spot for comics and this was just too cute to pass up. I mean seriously-the cover has Darth Vader having a tea party with a tiny Princess Leia and her stuffed Ewok. I couldn’t help but giggle. I soon found out that this is a sequel of sorts to another book, Darth Vader and Son. Although I haven’t read the first one yet, I really don’t think you need to, unless you’re really anal about it… If you are looking for a ‘what might have been’ type comic, then move on. This is by no means that-and it’s not supposed to be. It’s a humorous, fun little read. I mean, do you really think someone as big and mean as Darth Vader would take time out of his very busy day of taking over the universe to have a tea p...
what to do w/this blog!!! (another attempt at a re-do?)
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So once again I've been thinking about what to do w/this blog. I keep saying I'm going to update and post more, but I never get around to it... One thing I finally did was update my sidebar...sort of. I got rid of a few sites that no longer update or are completely defunct (yes, there are a couple that are still listed...I'll eventually delete those. And boo! Yahoo Avatars no longer exist) I moved a few things around (not sure why there is such a large gap between my twitter feed and my get glue stickers...) I may eventually move more things around, but that will come later. And even though The Peacekeeper Wars aired several years ago, I'm keeping the banner up because I love Farscape! (same goes for the Doctor Who banner announcing it's return to America on SciFi-even though SciFi is now SyFy and Doctor Who is now exclusively on BBCA, it's still history...) ;) One of the main reasons why I haven't "upgraded" my blog template is simply b...
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Been a while since I posted a review, so here's one!! :-) Windhaven by Lisa Tuttle My rating: 4 of 5 stars Decided to read one of GMMR's earlier novels-and was not disappointed! Since I am terrible at writing reviews, I'll just make this simple-I enjoyed reading about Maris and the flyers, the landsmen, and the singers. Windhaven is a collection of previously published short stories following the life of Maris, the daughter of a fisherman who becomes a flyer. Because a flyer's wings are inherited, Maris must challenge this tradition, and leads the way to changing the law so that a person is given wings based on merit, rather than heritage. Of course, young Maris is quite naive and doesn't fully understand the implications of challenging and changing the status quo, and we see her face and deal with the consequences as her story goes on. For those who are only familiar with GMMR's A Song of Ice and Fire saga, this story (co-authored with Lisa Tuttle) is no...