Well, I didn't get everything that I would have liked to have finished for Marcon 46. That's okay, though-Julie was kind enough to lend me a back-up skirt, just in case I didn't finish mine. I did complete my first sewing project! (well, first since Home Ec in the 7th grade). I made a little draw-stringed purse, which I will use with my Steampunk costume this weekend. This project was trial and error...mostly errors. ;) It took awhile, but I did finish it!! This project helped me become more familiar with my sewing machine, and now that I know I can use it properly, future projects will seem less daunting. (well, that's my hope, anyway.) ;-D I'll post some pictures soon. I also have to debut my new toy-the Fourth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver!! I'm sooo excited! I've wanted one for years, but they were always out of my price range. (most were collector/model types). Character Options debuted their version earlier this year. Late last year they debuted the ...