
Showing posts from May, 2011


Well, I didn't get everything that I would have liked to have finished for Marcon 46. That's okay, though-Julie was kind enough to lend me a back-up skirt, just in case I didn't finish mine. I did complete my first sewing project! (well, first since Home Ec in the 7th grade). I made a little draw-stringed purse, which I will use with my Steampunk costume this weekend. This project was trial and error...mostly errors. ;) It took awhile, but I did finish it!! This project helped me become more familiar with my sewing machine, and now that I know I can use it properly, future projects will seem less daunting. (well, that's my hope, anyway.) ;-D I'll post some pictures soon. I also have to debut my new toy-the Fourth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver!! I'm sooo excited! I've wanted one for years, but they were always out of my price range. (most were collector/model types). Character Options debuted their version earlier this year. Late last year they debuted the ...

Busy Bee

Things to do this weekend: -update blogs (yes, plural) -clean house (gah, I hate cleaning-what I hate more is a messy place) -laundry (blarrggg, but I do like wearing clean clothes...) -empty outdoor flower pots, bring up outdoor decos and summer lights -get to the garden store to refill soon-to-be empty pots :-D -work on mock-up skirt, as well as other crafty projects -catch up on dvr showings...once again I'm over 90% full. Hard to believe I was actually down to the mid sixties before the new year. -READ!!! Uggh, I haven't had time to read! I wanna be farther along into A Clash of Kings and I've had to renew more than one manga twice already!! That never happens! -get cards in the mail. (I'm already late with Mother's Day cards and 2 birthday cards. Hopefully my niece T's card will actually be on time.) Seriously, there is not enough time in the weekend. Although, as I have come to the sad reality that a long vacation up north might not be a possibility ...

pondering in the middle of the night...

...can be a bad thing. ;) Ahhh, insommnia is a crazy thing. Still haven't posted a tribute to Elisabeth Sladen yet-but I am working on one... I need to post more! I've got several projects coming up that I can post about-Sunday I'm getting a sewing lesson! I've got some costuming ideas for Marcon at the end of this month-so if I want to make them happen, I have to get going on the sewing! ;) I need to decide what I'm going to try to grow on my back porch this year-I think I'm going to stick to flowers and foilage-as the vegetable experiment didn't work out too well last year...although I still might try to grow tomatoes in a pot. *yawwwwn* Getting sleepy-but before I go, I just want to say Congrats to Perseph and Paul-they are going to have a little boy in the fall!! :) :)