
Showing posts from June, 2008


D.W.Q.M.: "Of course you don't, why should you? You're a busy man, you don't want to stand here burbling about my ears. Neither ear, nor there, is it? Eh? But I can't waste any more time. Things to do, places to go. I'm a busy man too, you know." -the Fourth Doctor, to Harry Sullivan, in Robot In a couple of days, I will be on vacation. I am so not ready. I'm not in panic mode...yet. Actually, it's not too bad-finished my laundry, paid some bills. I think I'm doing good if I don't call my sister and nag at her everyday between now and my vacation about when she is picking me up. LOL. Tonight I am going to do something I almost never do-I'm going to start setting aside clothes to pack...3 days before my plane leaves for MN. Ha! Take that, vacation gods! *hee* I can't wait! Okay, quick fan girl moment: Spoilers for episodes 12 and 13 of Doctor Who... + + + + + +'ve been warned.... + + + + + + + + + + + Sarah Jane and Lu...

new season, old memories

D.W.Q.M.: "When everything is new, can anything be a surprise?" -Cho-je (from the Third Doctor story, Planet of the Spiders Happy Summer! (well, almost.) ;) I can't believe it's summer (partly because, well-it's been quite chilly the past couple of days-even for me!! It is supposed to warm up, though) This past Thursday was the summer debut of the annual Coventry Street Fair (or is it the art fair? Geez, I should know better) Anyhoo-every third Thursday of the month during the summer, Coventry Village closes off the streets for the fair. In the past, I've only passed on through-my apartment was far enough away that once I was home, I didn't hear or see any of it. This year, I'm quite a bit closer! There was a cop at the corner of my street, directing traffic away from the fair, and, of course, people were parking up and down my street-I sat on my porch Thursday evening and watching families come and go. Next month I'm going to try to mosey on over...


D.W.Q.M.: The Second Doctor: "If only I could find my recorder, I could play you a little something to pass the time." The Brigadier: "We should be thankful for small mercies." (from the Third Doctor story, the Three Doctors Ha-ha! For once, I actually bought reeds before the Italian Band season started!! I didn't forget until the day before and say, 'Aww, crap! I forgot again! ' Well, unless you count Good Friday, then, nevermind... We had a procession at Holy Redeemer for St. Anthony's Feast yesterday. We were a small band (not unusual for procession), but we were pretty well-rounded. We had Nick, our fearless leader, plus 3 clarinets, 2 trumpets, 2 saxs, a euphonium, 2 precussionists and a sousaphone. Mike even drove up from Dayton to join us. When Mike and I were walking towards the church, I noticed the big tree we usually sit under while waiting for the precession, and stand under for the blessings afterwards, was gone. I couldn't believe...

to blog or not to blog!

D.W.Q.M.: "Now you've squashed my favorite Beatles." -the First Doctor I'm coming up on my 5th blogaversary. Hard to believe I started this blog 5 years ago!!! I looked back at when I first started, and I realized I posted quite alot. More recently, I haven't been posting much at all. Once, maybe twice a month, if that. So I have decided, in honor of my upcoming anniversary, I will try to post more, even if it's just silly little things-short entries without much content. I want to get back to personal blogging. :) (I haven't been totally absent from the blogsphere-I've been contributing to the Idiot's Lantern and on a somewhat regular basis. ;)) In honor (geez, there's alot of honors in this post.) of my new commitment, here is a fun, silly fan vid from BabelColour: I love his videos!