The road to and back...(MarCon!)
D.W.Q.M.: "Didn't you find two angry men stuck to my car?" -the Third Doctor I thought I would start my MarCon reports by telling you of our adventures on the road for two reasons: 1, it doesn't require pictures (so I have a bit more time to upload them from my camera) and 2, part of the excitement is just getting there (we've had stalls, crammed into 1 tiny car, stuck in traffic, etc.) Eventually I'll get to my report with pictures (although I might be directing you to the Idiot's Lantern at some point, since much of my Marcon adventure involves Doctor Who!! (and probably will continue to be for a very long time-I hope!) :) ) Alicia showed up at my house around 12:15 on Friday, and I wasn't even ready! That's what I get for staying up the night before. We loaded the car with all my stuff (I didn't realize that being on staff at MarCon would require loads of crap! I almost forgot my Sonic Screwdriver, and I just bought batteries!) and headed ...