
Showing posts from May, 2008

The road to and back...(MarCon!)

D.W.Q.M.: "Didn't you find two angry men stuck to my car?" -the Third Doctor I thought I would start my MarCon reports by telling you of our adventures on the road for two reasons: 1, it doesn't require pictures (so I have a bit more time to upload them from my camera) and 2, part of the excitement is just getting there (we've had stalls, crammed into 1 tiny car, stuck in traffic, etc.) Eventually I'll get to my report with pictures (although I might be directing you to the Idiot's Lantern at some point, since much of my Marcon adventure involves Doctor Who!! (and probably will continue to be for a very long time-I hope!) :) ) Alicia showed up at my house around 12:15 on Friday, and I wasn't even ready! That's what I get for staying up the night before. We loaded the car with all my stuff (I didn't realize that being on staff at MarCon would require loads of crap! I almost forgot my Sonic Screwdriver, and I just bought batteries!) and headed ...


D.W.Q.M.: "You're a part of that L.I.N.D.A. group, aren't you?" -the Fifth Doctor to the Tenth Doctor in the CiN special, Time Crash Marcon 43 is here!!! Yikes, it's 2:00am, and I'm so not ready. (What the heck am I doing online then?) ;) I'm pretty much ready to go-I'll be doing all my packing in the morning-I just hope I remember everything! I'm donating my extra set of Doctor Who trading cards as a prize for the Doctor Who Jeopardy game, so hopefully I'll remember to bring that! (I think it was last year- I put all my gaming cards, and a few trading cards, in a separate backpack, so I'd be sure to bring them-wouldn't you know-I left the damn thing in on my bed!) I've got all my costumes put together-including new batteries for my sonic screwdriver. :) The only thing I don't have is a sonic lipstick-ah, well-that'll be for next year! Ehh...Blogger seems to be having issues for those of us who publish via an FTP server. I...

Moffat to take over from Davies!!

D.W.Q.M.: "Splendid chaps...all of them." -the Brigadier (from the Fifth Doctor story, the Five Doctors ) Steven Moffat will be taking over the reigns of Executive Producer and Head Writer of Doctor Who from Russell T. Davies, starting in 2010 with the 5th series: In one word: AWESOME!!! I love Steven Moffat! (x-posted to the Idiot's Lantern )

party on, party on!

D.W.Q.M.: The Brigadier: " Do you know what you're doing?" the Third Doctor: "My dear chap, I can't wait to find out." Need to write more...need to write more.... (same old, same old!) CONGRATULATIONS, PERSEPHONE!!!!! She graduated from MSASS this past Sunday!!! Paul and I went to convocation, and I have to admit, I got a little teary eyed. She worked really hard the last two years-and totally deseves it!! After convocation, Paul and I jogged over to the temple where MSASS was holding their diploma ceremony-we met up with the rest of the family. MewMew and I were going to shout 'Brown chicken brown cow!' after Perseph's name was called, but we chicken out, since they told us to wait to cheer after everyone's name was called. Afterwards, when the Dean said, 'It sounds like everyone is having fun!' MewMew shouted 'Brown chicken, brown cow!' (you really have to hear it to get the joke...) It made Perseph's day! :) After gr...