It's a comet!!!!
D.W.Q.M.: Duke Juliano: "There's this man in Florence- claims that by arranging ground glasses in a certain order, it's possible to see the moon and stars as large as your hand."
Marco: "Is that a good thing?" (from the 4th Doctor story, The Masque of Mandragora)
So, have you seen Comet Holmes yet? I was able to find it!!! Me!! In my own front Cleveland!!!!!
Ok, I'll back up a few steps. For those who might not have heard, Comet Holmes suddenly became visible to the naked eye when it puffed out a huge cloud of dust on October 24th. Shocked astronomers all over the world. And the best's really easy to find in the night sky!!!
To the unaided eye, it just looks like an extra star in the constellation Perseus. Grab a decent pair of binoculars (that's all it takes at the moment!), and you can clearly see it's not your average star. :)
Astronomers aren't sure how long you'll be able to see the comet without help, so enjoy it while you can!!!
Need help finding the comet? Sky and Telescope has a helpful article to help you find it. They also have sky maps/charts to help you out! Here's a couple for tonight:
8:00pm, EST

11:00pm, EST

(Special thanks to Sky and Telescope for allowing the use of these images!)
I have an older pair of binoculars and was able to spot 'the little fuzzball' from my front yard. I saw it November 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Since then, though, it's been quite cloudy. Hopefully the weather will clear up this weekend-this will be the best time to see the comet!
Jerm was looking for it (I think it was last Thursday morning?) He said when he went out, he looked just at the right place at the right time, and saw a spectacular meteor! Lucky dog! I was on the phone with my sister Sunday night, trying to help her find the comet-she spotted 3 meteors!
Clear skies and happy viewing!!!
Marco: "Is that a good thing?" (from the 4th Doctor story, The Masque of Mandragora)
So, have you seen Comet Holmes yet? I was able to find it!!! Me!! In my own front Cleveland!!!!!
Ok, I'll back up a few steps. For those who might not have heard, Comet Holmes suddenly became visible to the naked eye when it puffed out a huge cloud of dust on October 24th. Shocked astronomers all over the world. And the best's really easy to find in the night sky!!!
To the unaided eye, it just looks like an extra star in the constellation Perseus. Grab a decent pair of binoculars (that's all it takes at the moment!), and you can clearly see it's not your average star. :)
Astronomers aren't sure how long you'll be able to see the comet without help, so enjoy it while you can!!!
Need help finding the comet? Sky and Telescope has a helpful article to help you find it. They also have sky maps/charts to help you out! Here's a couple for tonight:
8:00pm, EST
11:00pm, EST
(Special thanks to Sky and Telescope for allowing the use of these images!)
I have an older pair of binoculars and was able to spot 'the little fuzzball' from my front yard. I saw it November 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Since then, though, it's been quite cloudy. Hopefully the weather will clear up this weekend-this will be the best time to see the comet!
Jerm was looking for it (I think it was last Thursday morning?) He said when he went out, he looked just at the right place at the right time, and saw a spectacular meteor! Lucky dog! I was on the phone with my sister Sunday night, trying to help her find the comet-she spotted 3 meteors!
Clear skies and happy viewing!!!