The trials of moving...
D.W.Q.M.: "...I seem to have lost my sonic screwdriver." -the Third Doctor
8 days.
Today I packed my first frustration box. You know, one of those boxes where you look at the stuff you just don't know what to do with, and in your frustration, you dump it all into one box and mark it in big letters, 'MISCELANEOUS'. <--I hope that's spelled right-the only dictionary I haven't packed yet is my Gaelic dictionary. Fat lotta good that'll do.
I have also come to the point where you set something down for just a second, and there's so much stuff lying around that the next thing you're saying is, "I just saw that five minutes ago!! Where the hell did it go?!?!?" I'm not even gonna count the number of times I've packed up a box and sealed it, only to discover minutes later that there's something else that should've gone in there. (I've been doing quite alot of retaping).
Perhaps this is why this has been my favorite cartoon strip for the summer: Gotta love For Better or For Worse :)
Here's a fun story: I had this porcelain hinged box I got as a birthday gift from my mom-I was sure I had a box for it, but couldn't find it, so I wrapped it in paper and packed it up in a new box. Then I found the box for it-well, since I didn't want to open up the box, I decided to put something else in it. I found a small Snoopy snowglobe that I was sure didn't come in a box that fit perfectly. A few days later I found a box for the snowglobe!! *sigh*
My framed posters came down earlier this week-now there is this strange echo in my living room. Kind of sad, actually.
Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited about moving-and I can't wait to decorate my new place (especially with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas coming up!!!). However, I've been here so long, it is kinda sad to see 8 years of my life get packed up and put into an 8'x10' box. LOL.
Gotta run, need to pack up a few more things before my trip to storage tomorrow.
8 days!!!
8 days.
Today I packed my first frustration box. You know, one of those boxes where you look at the stuff you just don't know what to do with, and in your frustration, you dump it all into one box and mark it in big letters, 'MISCELANEOUS'. <--I hope that's spelled right-the only dictionary I haven't packed yet is my Gaelic dictionary. Fat lotta good that'll do.
I have also come to the point where you set something down for just a second, and there's so much stuff lying around that the next thing you're saying is, "I just saw that five minutes ago!! Where the hell did it go?!?!?" I'm not even gonna count the number of times I've packed up a box and sealed it, only to discover minutes later that there's something else that should've gone in there. (I've been doing quite alot of retaping).
Perhaps this is why this has been my favorite cartoon strip for the summer: Gotta love For Better or For Worse :)
Here's a fun story: I had this porcelain hinged box I got as a birthday gift from my mom-I was sure I had a box for it, but couldn't find it, so I wrapped it in paper and packed it up in a new box. Then I found the box for it-well, since I didn't want to open up the box, I decided to put something else in it. I found a small Snoopy snowglobe that I was sure didn't come in a box that fit perfectly. A few days later I found a box for the snowglobe!! *sigh*
My framed posters came down earlier this week-now there is this strange echo in my living room. Kind of sad, actually.
Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited about moving-and I can't wait to decorate my new place (especially with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas coming up!!!). However, I've been here so long, it is kinda sad to see 8 years of my life get packed up and put into an 8'x10' box. LOL.
Gotta run, need to pack up a few more things before my trip to storage tomorrow.
8 days!!!