The Feast 2006

D.W.Q.M.: the Second Doctor: "If only I could find my recorder, I could play you a little something to pass the time."
the Brigadier: "We should be thankful for small mercies."

Ahh, here we are, half way through the Feast of the Assumption. Two days behind us, two days ahead.

It's been a rough week-(not even Feast related). But hopefully things will start to calm down soon.

The Feast has been fun, though-the weather has been great-not too warm in the evenings. Tonight there is a 50 percent chance that we may be rained out, so we'll see. Hopefully the weather will be nice when we do the procession tomorrow morning.

The first night we were at the home of one of the shut-ins, playing some music for her, when, right in the middle of Tik Tok Polka a lady in the house next door slammed her window shut. Half the band nearly lost it while playing. LOL. Oh, well-at least the woman who we were playing for enjoyed the music. ;)

Suprisingly, after two nights of the Feast, I have Sousa marches stuck in my head, instead of things like Roxie's and the Tarentella. Wonder what's with the high concentration of Sousa this year...? At least we got to play Libiamo, Libiamo both nights-that's one of my favorites from the black book!

Reed count: 2 (one chipped, one completely flat)
Lower Lip condition: Little sore, but no blood. ;)

Hey, special thanks to my friends who stopped by last night to say 'hi!' You guys rock! :)

If we don't get rained out tonight, we'll be wandering the streets of Little Italy between 6-7:30 pm tonight. Sit down concert will be around 8:30, in front of the school.

Tomorrow the procession starts sometime after 11am. Tomorrow night, we'll be roaming the streets for a little while (usual time), but since it's the last night of the Feast, there won't be a sit down concert. We will be playing in the evening procession, which starts around 9-9:30, maybe? Oh! And there'll be fireworks tomorrow night at the close of the Feast. :)
