Doctor Who news
D.W.Q.M.: Sgt. Benton: "What are we going to do now?"
the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"
(author's note: this entry can also be found at the Idiot's Lantern)
Series One (season 27) in the USA:
Fridays, 9pm EST on the SciFi Channel
Current episode:
10. The Doctor Dances
Previous episodes:
9. The Empty Child
8. Father's Day
7.The Long Game
5.World War III
4.Aliens of London
3.The Unquiet Dead
2.The End of the World
Series Two (season 28) in the UK:
Saturdays, at 6:40pm GMT on BBC1
Current episode:
5. The Rise of the Cybermen
Previous episodes:
4. The Girl in the Fireplace
3.School Reunion
2.Tooth and Claw
1. New Earth
U.S.A. Ratings: Sadly, the ratings were down last week. 1.04 household rating, with an average of 1.2 million viewers, making it the lowest of this season to date. Which is a shame, because I think the Empty Child is one of the best episodes of the first series. However, as many have pointed out on the boards, last weekend was Cinco de Mayo, and the weather is getting nicer, so people are probably going out on Friday nights, and catching the episodes later. Sci Fi reports that Doctor Who is currently averaging a 1.29 household rating and an average audience of 1.5 million viewers for the season.
As most of you probably know by now, Doctor Who took home three BAFTA awards! More than any other program. Audience award for Best Program of 2005, Best Drama series, and Russell T. Davies won the Dennis Potter Award for outstanding writing for television. Woo-hoo!
More Classic series coming to dvd: According to, the First Doctor Story, the Web Planet and the Third Doctor story, Inferno, are coming to dvd on September 5th. Some cool features including pdf's of the Doctor Who Annuals are included in the releases. (man, I wish I had a dvd-rom). ;) I was hoping Inferno would be released soon-it's out of print and our libraries don't have it. (now, if only they'd release the Monster of Peladon on dvd, and I'd be one happy whovian camper.) lol.
some fun stuff: I found a new Whovian blogger(well, new to me-he's been around a while!) Michael, at the Torchwood Institute was looking at Google trends for Doctor Who in the U.S. Top three cities were St. Louis, Chicago, and Minneapolis. (I found his blog while searching to find out when Doctor Who first aired on Minneapolis' PBS station, KTCA.)
Tegan points us to an entry at Paul Cornell's blog. He's been commissioned to write a 2 part story for the third series of Doctor Who,, plus he has a link to a Dalek font. Sweet!
Cybermen on the web: The Cybermen have been making news on both the Scifi Wire and SyFy Portal:
Who's Cybermen Lighten Up
Cybermen Rise in Who
Davies Worked to make Cybermen Believeable Warning: spoilers

That's all for now-everyone have a great weekend!
the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"
(author's note: this entry can also be found at the Idiot's Lantern)
Series One (season 27) in the USA:
Fridays, 9pm EST on the SciFi Channel
Current episode:
10. The Doctor Dances
Previous episodes:
9. The Empty Child
8. Father's Day
7.The Long Game
5.World War III
4.Aliens of London
3.The Unquiet Dead
2.The End of the World
Series Two (season 28) in the UK:
Saturdays, at 6:40pm GMT on BBC1
Current episode:
5. The Rise of the Cybermen
Previous episodes:
4. The Girl in the Fireplace
3.School Reunion
2.Tooth and Claw
1. New Earth
U.S.A. Ratings: Sadly, the ratings were down last week. 1.04 household rating, with an average of 1.2 million viewers, making it the lowest of this season to date. Which is a shame, because I think the Empty Child is one of the best episodes of the first series. However, as many have pointed out on the boards, last weekend was Cinco de Mayo, and the weather is getting nicer, so people are probably going out on Friday nights, and catching the episodes later. Sci Fi reports that Doctor Who is currently averaging a 1.29 household rating and an average audience of 1.5 million viewers for the season.
As most of you probably know by now, Doctor Who took home three BAFTA awards! More than any other program. Audience award for Best Program of 2005, Best Drama series, and Russell T. Davies won the Dennis Potter Award for outstanding writing for television. Woo-hoo!
More Classic series coming to dvd: According to, the First Doctor Story, the Web Planet and the Third Doctor story, Inferno, are coming to dvd on September 5th. Some cool features including pdf's of the Doctor Who Annuals are included in the releases. (man, I wish I had a dvd-rom). ;) I was hoping Inferno would be released soon-it's out of print and our libraries don't have it. (now, if only they'd release the Monster of Peladon on dvd, and I'd be one happy whovian camper.) lol.
some fun stuff: I found a new Whovian blogger(well, new to me-he's been around a while!) Michael, at the Torchwood Institute was looking at Google trends for Doctor Who in the U.S. Top three cities were St. Louis, Chicago, and Minneapolis. (I found his blog while searching to find out when Doctor Who first aired on Minneapolis' PBS station, KTCA.)
Tegan points us to an entry at Paul Cornell's blog. He's been commissioned to write a 2 part story for the third series of Doctor Who,, plus he has a link to a Dalek font. Sweet!
Cybermen on the web: The Cybermen have been making news on both the Scifi Wire and SyFy Portal:
Who's Cybermen Lighten Up
Cybermen Rise in Who
Davies Worked to make Cybermen Believeable Warning: spoilers
That's all for now-everyone have a great weekend!