
Showing posts from November, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

D.W.Q.M.: "...why am I thinking of food?" -the Second Doctor Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!! Kristmutt's version of pumpkin pie I am thankful for many things, most of all, my family(immediate, extended, Tippit ;) ) and friends(in person, online) Everyone have a happy and safe holiday! God Bless! *HUGS*

Happy Anniversary! :)

D.W.Q.M.: "One day I will come back, yes, I will come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am correct in mine." -the First Doctor Happy anniversary to all my Doctor Who fans! 42 years and 10 Doctors later, the show is still alive and kicking. What a great time it is to be a Doctor Who fan. (even though we are still waiting for a broadcaster here in the U.S.. ;) ) top l-r: Joe, John Levene (Sgt. Benton) bottom l-r: me, "K-9", Debbie, and Debbie's sister I'd like to thank my mom and dad for getting me hooked ~25 years ago... ;)*heehee*

sneak peak of the Doctor....

D.W.Q.M.: "We're gonna to crash land! Hahahaha..." -the Tenth Doctor I read about this on Outpost Gallifrey and Behind the Sofa Again -there is going to be a Doctor Who short (about 3 and a half minutes long, I think) during the Children in Need special on the BBC tonight. The special starts at 7, and the Doctor Who clip will air around 9pm, according to the website. (London time, of course) After the special airs, you can watch the clip on this site for an undefined period of time, sometime after 9:30pm (which will be about 3:30pm EST my time.) ;) For now, however, there is a trailer for the charity program, which includes a clip of the Doctor and Rose. is that noise supposed to be the Cloister Bells, or is someone's alarm clock going off? ;) *UPDATE- 3:52pm* Ooops, silly me, forgot about daylight won't be on until 4:30pm. doh!


D.W.Q.M.: Moberly: "Are you OK, dressed like that? You don't seem to notice the cold." the Fourth Doctor: "I haven't come ten thousand miles to discuss the weather, Mr Moberly." IT'S SNOWING! IT'S SNOWING!!! Hmm...I guess it's time to put in my storm windows...

Cybermen? Cybermen!!

D.W.Q.M.: the Second Doctor: "The power cable generated an electrical field and confused their tiny metal minds. You might almost say they had a complete metal breakdown." Jamie : "Oooh." Second Doctor: "I'm so sorry." *hee* I've started a countdown to the Christmas Invasion! :-D Yesterday the BBC released pictures of the new Cyberman design, along with an article about the return of one of the Doctor's deadliest foes. My coworker, and fellow Doctor Who fan, Carolyn and I were comparing the new Cybermen with the old Cybermen-discussing the coolness and flaws of each particular design. Ahh, it's good to be geeky at work. When first encountered in the Tenth Planet , the looked kinda creepy (despite their sock-like masked faces), slowly walking through the snow. Creepy...up until they spoke. (Hey, someone should have decided how often and when they move their mouths before they started filming) The end result was a bit comical. Still, wit...

something serious, something fun...

D.W.Q.M.: "Look, try and use your intelligence, man, even if you are a politician." -the Third Doctor There were long lines at the polls today-barely enough room for all four of us. Wha...? You mean I actually got up early this morning so I could go vote?!?!?!!! It's not even a presidential election!!! The world must be coming to an end, either that or I'm feverish. I mean, I hate politics. Seriously though-there were some state issues that caught my attention, so I got up to go vote. ...that and I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a mayor. ;) (sorry, I couldn't help myself) Really, though-you should get out and vote today if you are able. That's all I'm going to say about that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since I hate politics so much, I find it odd that I got this result: You scored as President Laura Roslin . You may be ill but you have a job to do. Fate has put you in a powerful position by accident, b...

Who Christmas

D.W.Q.M.: " teeth." -the Tenth Doctor U.K. Who fans get a special Christmas present this year-it's official! The BBC will be airing 'The Christmas Invasion on December 25th! Check out the online article, Christmas Invasion at Christmas Lucky ducks! :)