
Showing posts from June, 2005

Big Fun...for the kid in all of us.

D.W.Q.M.: "What's wrong with being childish? I like being childish." -the Third Doctor Before I forget, I've updated both my front porch and travel dog pages-feel free to check them out when you get the chance! So as I'm packing a couple of vid games (Mario Party 6 and Double Dash) for my trip up north, I start mentally preparing myself for the 'why don't you bring up that Super Nintendo and leave it here?' that I'll probably get from my sister. She tries that every time I visit-even starts in on it 3 weeks before I get there. She hasn't said anything to me this trip yet, so I'm actually a little worried. She always tries to guilt trip me and it never works...maybe she's got something really good planned... ;) My sister is a fan of the old cartridge games, just like me. I still have our old Texas Instruments computer with all the games (another thing she tries to get me to send up to her) lol. One thing we don't have, thoug...

June Night Sky

D.W.Q.M.: Duke Juliano: "There's this man in Florence- claims that by arranging ground glasses in a certain order, it's possible to see the moon and stars as large as your hand." Marco:"Is that a good thing?" (from the Fourth Doctor story, The Masque of Mandragora) Today's astronomy post is brought to you by Sky and Telescope. Happy Solstice, everybody! :) Summer officially started at 2:46 am EDT, this morning. Planets June 25th-29th: Grab your binoculars! Venus, Mercury, and Saturn form a rare 3 planet cluster (a trio-3 celestial objects that fit within a 5 degree circle) low on the WNW horizon near Pollux and Castor, approximately 50 minutes after sunset. Watch how they come together from now until the 25th. :) For more on this, and other events this week, check out this week's Sky at a glance. I might have to skip out on this one, unless I can find another neighborhood to stargaze in-too many buildings around-don't want anyone to think I...

Proud Auntie, yes I am! :)

D.W.Q.M.: "There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish, sometimes." -the Fourth Doctor The bib says it all: She's getting so big! I can't wait to see her next month. :) :) And Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there! :)

Doctor Who news

D.W.Q.M.: "Fantastic!" -the Ninth Doctor Upcoming episode: 13. The Parting of the Ways -season finale this Saturday on BBC1. If you don't like spoilers at all , I suggest that you stay away from the BBC's Doctor Who site (the link is provided for those who don't mind just a glimpse. ;)) I saw it, I didn't read any details, but all I gotta say is that it was pretty freakin'-frellin'-frackin' cool. 8-D. According to Outpost Gallifrey , on Wednesday, June 15th, the BBC announced a third series of Doctor Who has been confirmed for 2007!!!!!! WOO-HOO! Now, if only the show would come back to the U.S. of A. *sigh* Speaking of coming to the USA, someone in one of my lists has an interesting theory-he had just received his region 1 copy of The Leisure Hive dvd last week, and in it found a promo card with the 9th Doctor and Rose in front of the TARDIS on the front. The back was an ad from BBC America for the new 9th Doctor books. Although there ...

Marcon 40, part 2

D.W.Q.M.: "Your silliness is noted. Drive systems regenerating..." -K-9 Oh, before I get to the pics, I have a new item to add to my list of things you'll find at an Italian band procession: Car alarms set off by the fireworks. *bam!* Also, thanks to my completely incompetent sunscreen lathering abilities, I am no longer 'alabaster white', but instead, a nice 'lobster red'. *OW!* Okay, on with the show... Here are a few pics from some of the displays at Marcon this year: These pictures are of the Chaos Machine, presented by Steve Jackson (the Gaming GOH), and was located just outside the dealers room. This machine was really cool-you just drop a ball in it, and you have no idea where it would end up. Jackson also had a preview of a new Munchkin game, but I missed it. :( This next picture is a picture of the NASA display: Complete with a moon rock! (it's on the right of the picture-and it got a little cut off-sorry about that!) I'm hoping ...

room update

D.W.Q.M.: "I see you've done the TARDIS up a bit...I don't like it." -the Second Doctor Dust Bunnies: 47, Romana: 100! Shazaam!!! *zzzzt!* ow! heeeey... Not only can you still walk around in my room, but you can now sit in the living room again-horray! :) I still have a little bit of organizing to do, but the bulk of it is finished. *whew!* For now, though-I need to get some sleep-I have Italian Band tomorrow! Uh-oh, now where did I put my clarinet?

My room is like the TARDIS

D.W.Q.M.: "That is the dematerializing control. And that, over yonder, is the horizontal hold. Up there is the scanner, those are the doors, that is a chair with a panda on it. Sheer poetry, dear boy. Now please stop bothering me." -the First Doctor or, "Holy crap I have alot of junk". So today I started something that I planned to do last year...that I probably should have done long before now. I am reorganizing and rearranging my bedroom. For about a year, it's been an adventure everytime I try to walk around in my room. Actually, it's more like 'climb'. This is because I have been just tossing stuff in my room, and piling up boxes in the middle of it. All of the stuff that I have accumulated over the years-not just college years, but high school, junior high, even elementary school. I didn't think I had stuff that old around here. I moved most of it out of my room and into the living room, so I can rearrange my bed and a shelf. Here are...

Two years and counting!

D.W.Q.M.: "Mind you, I'm not wild about computers myself, but they are a tool. If you have a tool, it's stupid not to use it." -the Third Doctor Hey, today is my second blogaversary! :) I started this wondering if I would ever be able to keep it up-I know I haven't posted everyday, but I'm doing better than I thought I would 2 years ago. ;) The only major regret I have about my blog is that I really haven't done one of the things that I originally intended to use this blog for-which was to talk about my trading cards. I think I may have mentioned some of them a few times, but not on a regular basis. I was planning on talking about newer cards, and my opinions about the sets that are out there, and occasionally talk about my older sets, or older sets that I've found. I think I might try to start doing that now. (hey, why not? It's my anniversary after all.) :) So, to get things started, I guess I'll give you a history (I'd say brief, ...

Moon like the Cheshire Cat

D.W.Q.M.: the Third Doctor: "Look, if you can't reverse the energy drain, the fabric of the entire Universe could be torn apart." Omega: "What if it is? It will make an interesting spectacle." So, if you're out and about 30-45 minutes after sunset this evening, grab your binoculars and try looking for the cresent moon. Look for Venus in the west-northwest horizon-the young moon should be near the lower right of the bright planet. Why is this so special? Because few people ever get to see the moon when it is less than 30 hours old. :) For those of us in the eastern U.S., the moon will be about 26-27 hours old (from the moment of the new moon). Those in the west, 29-30 hours. If you are interested, check out this week's sky at a glance and Young Moon Hunting from Sky and Telescope. The pictures of the moon from the second article are quite amazing-the moon reminds me of the faded grin of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland . :-D

Marcon 40, part 1

D.W.Q.M.: "Come along, Benton" -the Brigadier First, I gotta say it-the guy in the Hawaiian shirt-he totally rocks. :-D top(l-r)-Joe, John; bottom(l-r)-me, Krismutt as K-9, Debbie, and Debbie's sister, Chrissy Yes, folks-that's John Levene- Sgt. Benton from U.N.I.T. (go ahead and laugh, Jerm-I know you want to! ;) ) What they say about him being awesome and friendly around the fans-it's all true. He loves the fans, loves talking about his work on Doctor Who . He also has many great stories about working with Jon Pertwee (the Third Doctor) and he loves to tell jokes. He is very approachable-if you got a question-just ask-he loves to talk! :) When I found out he was coming to Marcon, I was really excited-not only was he the first Doctor Who person that I ever met, but he was my favorite member of U.N.I.T. The picture also includes some friends of mine that I hadn't seen in a while-imagine running into them at Marcon! ;) We were all at one of John Levene...