There's a Python in my FarGate!

D.W.Q.M.: Art Lover #1 (Eleanor Bron): I think, one of the most curious things about this piece is its wonderful... afunctionality.
Art Lover #2 (John Cleese): Yes, I see what you mean. Divorced from its function, I think, purely as a piece of art, its structure of lines and color is curiously counterpointed by the redundant vestiges of its function.
Art Lover #1: It has no call to be here. The art lies in the fact that it is here.
(As they watch, the Doctor, Romana and Duggan run into the TARDIS, and it dematerializes.)
Art Lover #1: Exquisite. Absolutely exquisite.

"It is not a Stargate! It is a Fargate because it goes far!" -Ogelthorpe, ATHF

So, Marcon 40 is coming up, and I am as excited as ever!! Not only do I have 2 costumes to wear, (medieval and doctor who), get to hang out with fellow scifi geeks Arthur and Alicia, but I also get to meet John Levene (Sgt. Benton) from Doctor Who! Yay!! Let the good times roll!!

Anyhoo, one of the ladies from Ohioscapers is part of a panel called 'The Ministry of Silly Sci Fi' at Marcon this year. She's gathering references to Monty Python in various scifi shows-any thoughts?

For example, here are three from Farscape:
John Crichton: "Fetch the comfy chair" (from Nerve, 1st season) I also think he combinded that with "Sir Robinson, beware the chair!" but I could be wrong...I haven't seen that episode in a while. ;)

Crichton: "Hey Stark, you ready yet? I'm stuck out here in Spamland" (from the Green-Eyed Monster, season 3)

Chiana: "It's actually quite good."
Crichton: "That stuff's not going to turn anybody into a newt, is it?" (from Lava's a Many Splendored Thing, season 4)

If you can think of any more from any scifi/fantasy show (like Stargate, Buffy, Andromeda(hey, you never know), Angel, etc.) send me an email or leave a comment. Thanks!! :-D

Oh, and if you are curious, the Doctor Who quote for today was from the Fourth Doctor story, City of Death, another episode written by Douglas Adams. ;)
