
Showing posts from May, 2005


D.W.Q.M.: Ian: "Frankly Doctor, I find it hard to keep pace with you." the First Doctor: "You mean 'to keep one jump ahead'- that you will never be!" Yes, we had fun at Marcon !!! Yes, I took pictures. Yes, I downloaded them to my computer (at least the digital ones) No, I have not uploaded them yet, so I can't post them! ;) Hopefully I'll get around to that sometime this week. For now, I must try to sift through all the spam I got over the weekend, and go through the pile of stuff on my desk. Ha-ha! Welcome back to work... sigh . Oh, and just as a little aside-I think that three 'Timewarps' in one night is definitely my limit. *ow!* LOL. ;)


D.W.Q.M.: Sgt. Benton: "What are we going to do now?" the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?" As to the season finale, this is all I have to say at the moment: "Bellisario, what the hell were you thinking?!?!?!?!?!!!!!" NOOOOOOooooooooo! :p *arrrgggg* At least the Twins won tonight! So I feel a bit better. :)

those wacky Time Lords...

D.W.Q.M.: Romana1: "My name is Romanadvoratrelundar." the Fourth Doctor: "I'm so sorry about that. Is there anything we can do?" Romanadvoratrelundar was a Beloved Dairy Farmer in a past life. Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me that's what they're telling everybody... ;)

Revenge of the Sith?

D.W.Q.M.: Brigade Leader: "You are giving us a great deal of trouble." the Third Doctor: "I'm delighted to hear that." I can think of at least a dozen reasons why I haven't seen RotS yet. ...unfortunately, I can think of only two that don't sound too lame. 1. I am currently reading 'Labyrinth of Evil' , which is a prequel to the movie-I'd like to finish it before I go see the movie. Of course, I did see 'The Clone Wars on the Cartoon Network, so maybe I don't have to. Last night, around 7:30pm, Arthur called Persephone and asked to speak to me. When I picked up the phone, he shouted, "READ FAST, IT WAS AWESOME!" LOL. 2. As some of you may recall, back in October, SciFi aired the Peacekeeper Wars . Well, I sorta ditched Perseph and CSI:Miami and stayed at home to watch part 2. So, ditching her and the Quentin Tarantino-directed season finale of CSI was not an option. After all, she knows where I live, (well, w...

Revenge of the Sith

As my friend Alfred said, Happy Holy Trilogy Day! :-D May the Force be with us all.


D.W.Q.M.: "Eurkea!!" -the Third Doctor Just a quick note (or two): A big Congratulations! to Jerm for getting his Master's Degree! Yay! We're glad you liked the sign! ;) oh, and jello! ;) LOL Also, Congratulations to my friend Anthony, who just passed his bar exam! Way to go!

May night sky

D.W.Q.M: Duke Juliano: "There's this man in Florence- claims that by arranging ground glasses in a certain order, it's possible to see the moon and stars as large as your hand." Marco:"Is that a good thing?" (from the Fourth Doctor story, The Masque of Mandragora ) Okay, so it's not quite halfway through the month-seriously, I am trying to post these at the beginning of the month...really, I am... ;) Today's astronomy post is brought to you by Astronomy. Past events: May 4th/5th- Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks. The Eta Aquarids is one of two annual showers that is caused by the debris field of Halley's Comet. :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- the Moon and Planets This month, several planets can be found in the sky just by looking around the moon: May 13th- the Moon is above Saturn (evening sky) May 14th- Moon is at apogee (251,407 miles from Earth) May 20th- the Moon is near Jupiter May 22nd- the Moon is...

There's a Python in my FarGate!

D.W.Q.M.: Art Lover #1 (Eleanor Bron): I think, one of the most curious things about this piece is its wonderful... afunctionality. Art Lover #2 (John Cleese) : Yes, I see what you mean. Divorced from its function, I think, purely as a piece of art, its structure of lines and color is curiously counterpointed by the redundant vestiges of its function. Art Lover #1: It has no call to be here. The art lies in the fact that it is here. (As they watch, the Doctor, Romana and Duggan run into the TARDIS, and it dematerializes.) Art Lover #1: Exquisite. Absolutely exquisite. "It is not a Stargate! It is a Fargate because it goes far!" -Ogelthorpe, ATHF So, Marcon 40 is coming up, and I am as excited as ever!! Not only do I have 2 costumes to wear, (medieval and doctor who), get to hang out with fellow scifi geeks Arthur and Alicia, but I also get to meet John Levene (Sgt. Benton) from Doctor Who! Yay!! Let the good times roll!! Anyhoo, one of the ladies from Ohioscapers is par...

cats, chickens, bags, and crazy hats... ;)

D.W.Q.M.: "He's the one you should be talking to, or rather, listening to, if you have the stamina" -Romana1 *heeheee* Yah, the cat is outa the bag! If you've been visiting Persephone's blog, and wondering what the heck she's talking about here, I guess I'll come clean. ;) I started a knitting blog! I had been considering doing that for a while, and finally just decided to do it. :) I'm calling it Ro Knits , and I'm planning on using it to talk about all things knitting, crocheting, etc. I hope to use it to do more updates on the progress of all my projects. I'll still post about my projects here, at least when I start and finish a project. Perseph and I had been planning on creating a projects page together, and I decided to create this blog as a starting point. (and yes! That means Perseph will eventually be contributing to the blog...and that's where the crocheting comes in-cause she's an awesome crocheter!) Anyhoo, fee...

Where's my towel?

D.W.Q.M.: "I'll never be cruel to an electron in a particle accelerator again." -the Fourth Doctor For fans of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio series, the Quandary Phase of the Hitchhiker's begins tomorrow on BBC Radio 4! If you miss it live, it will be on their Listen Again schedule for one week after it airs. Don't forget your towel! Have you seen the movie yet? Perseph, Paul and I went to see it on Saturday, and we loved it! For those of you who have seen the BBC miniseries (early 80s, I think?) and/or have listened to any of the radio series: I found at least 3 things that came from the mini series (and, to some extent, the radio show) There are probably more, but I have three that really stuck out-Peresph and Paul just smiled and nodded when I pointed them out. LOL. I won't go into details now since the movie just came out, but I am curious to see if anyone else caught the references. :) Enjoy! BTW, the quote that I used today ...