random thoughts
D.W.Q.M.: The Brigadier: "Do you know what you're doing?"
the Third Doctor: "My dear chap, I can't wait to find out."
Ahh, so much to say, so little time, so I thought I would do a random thoughts post:
Happy Spring, everybody! (a few days late, I know) Although it doesn't seem like spring here today-rainy and cold. ick. (I like the cold-I don't like rain and cold) ;)
There was a little trouble with the server that hosts my comments yesterday, but they are back up and running. I also turned on the smileys option-so you'll get an actual image when you type one in. :) Unfortuantely I don't have a list of all the possible codes for the smileys-oh, well. They still look neat on my comments! ;)
Three days until Doctor Who returns!! 2 more weeks and it hits Canada... Now if only a network in the U.S. of A. would pick it up, too...
Outpost Gallifrey has, among other cool things, an episode guide to the new series-listing titles, airdates, guest stars, etc. Check it out! :)
Last week while listening to a couple of programs on BBC 7, I heard an advertizment for the new Doctor Who-a snippet of the new theme music, with a voice over whispering 'Coming soon to BBC1.' Totally cool. I am so excited about this series!
Yeah! I eat ham and jam and spam alot!

You are a silly English Knnnnnniggit! Brave, loyal,
and (somewhat) chaste, you follow your leader
without question...even though you're not
really that smart.
Which Monty Python & the Holy Grail Character are you REALLY?
brought to you by Quizilla
A bunch of us want to see Spamalot so bad. With the original cast. *sigh* Too bad we don't live in Chicago or New York City! ;)
My Aunt Pat recently sent me a picture of my great grandmother in North Dakota, circa 1927. She and a couple of friends were holding these huge rifles, they were almost bigger than they were. I love looking at old photographs, especially ones found in family albums-because of they stories they tell-you can see how people lived: what they did for a living, what the did for fun. Some of my favorite books that come across my desk here at the library are photography books. Oooh, it's hard for me to explain, so I'll just leave it at that. :)
the Third Doctor: "My dear chap, I can't wait to find out."
Ahh, so much to say, so little time, so I thought I would do a random thoughts post:
Happy Spring, everybody! (a few days late, I know) Although it doesn't seem like spring here today-rainy and cold. ick. (I like the cold-I don't like rain and cold) ;)
There was a little trouble with the server that hosts my comments yesterday, but they are back up and running. I also turned on the smileys option-so you'll get an actual image when you type one in. :) Unfortuantely I don't have a list of all the possible codes for the smileys-oh, well. They still look neat on my comments! ;)
Three days until Doctor Who returns!! 2 more weeks and it hits Canada... Now if only a network in the U.S. of A. would pick it up, too...
Outpost Gallifrey has, among other cool things, an episode guide to the new series-listing titles, airdates, guest stars, etc. Check it out! :)
Last week while listening to a couple of programs on BBC 7, I heard an advertizment for the new Doctor Who-a snippet of the new theme music, with a voice over whispering 'Coming soon to BBC1.' Totally cool. I am so excited about this series!
Yeah! I eat ham and jam and spam alot!
You are a silly English Knnnnnniggit! Brave, loyal,
and (somewhat) chaste, you follow your leader
without question...even though you're not
really that smart.
Which Monty Python & the Holy Grail Character are you REALLY?
brought to you by Quizilla
A bunch of us want to see Spamalot so bad. With the original cast. *sigh* Too bad we don't live in Chicago or New York City! ;)
My Aunt Pat recently sent me a picture of my great grandmother in North Dakota, circa 1927. She and a couple of friends were holding these huge rifles, they were almost bigger than they were. I love looking at old photographs, especially ones found in family albums-because of they stories they tell-you can see how people lived: what they did for a living, what the did for fun. Some of my favorite books that come across my desk here at the library are photography books. Oooh, it's hard for me to explain, so I'll just leave it at that. :)