
Showing posts from March, 2005

Doctor Who news

D.W.Q.M.: "That'll never work out-he's gay and she's an alien." -the 9th Doctor Ahhh, my first quote by the 9th Doctor. :-D Welcome back. As always, most, if not all, of my info is from the fabulous site, Outpost Gallifrey . First of all, Doctor Who premiered on BBC 1 on Saturday at 7pm, with a peak of 10.6 million viewers!!! Huzzah!! It had an average audience share of 43.2%. :) :) :) Doctor Who is also gracing the cover of Canada's TV Guide (It premieres on CBC next week-April 5th-lucky Canadian Whovians!!) More good news: BBC has commisioned a second series!!! And a Christmas special! Woo! Unfortunately, there is some sad news: Christopher Eccleston will not be returning as the Doctor for the second series. :( There's alot of specualation why-he has a fear of being typecast, he has other projects lined up. Whatever the reason, it's disappointing (from what i can tell, he makes an awesome Doctor), but that's the way it is. The editor of...

Hey...more randomness...

D.W.Q.M.: The Brigadier: "Believe me, Doctor, the place is impregnable." The 4th Doctor: "Never cared much for the word impregnable. Sounds a bit too much like unsinkable." Harry: "What's wrong with unsinkable?" 4th Doctor: "Nothing, as the iceberg said to the Titanic." Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!! Mine was very good. I was pretty busy this past weekend, so I didn't have time to post. I really, really wanted to post on the 26th, when Doctor Who returned to tv on BBC1, but just didn't have the time. That's ok, though-I have more to post about it later. ;) I started another knitting project awhile ago-I'm currently working on a prayer shawl-I'm about a third of the way done. I took a picture of it, but I haven't gotten around to posting it yet. I swear that I have 'work in progress' pictures of all of my projects-I just never got around to posting them. My goal for this weekend is to post a 'w...

Looking for a recipe...

D.W.Q.M.: "That's a most good-natured wine. A touch sardonic, perhaps, but not cynical. A most civilized wine, one after my own heart." -the Third Doctor Okay, so there's this recipe I am looking for-a pasta dish that I had when I was in Minnesota-I thought it was called 'Fireworks pasta' but when I tried looking it up, I came up with a dish that had Cilantro ( yuk. :p) and chicken in it. I've tried looking it up several different ways: fireworks pasta dish, fireworks pasta, fireworks pasta casserole. Wait, I don't think I've tried 'hotdish' yet-hang on... ...nope, that came up empty, too. Although I found several links to sites in Minneosta (heh, go figure! LOL. ;)) including one with the line, "...learn the ultimate in terrorizing force when you face my Lutefisk Hotdish!" LOL, ROFL. :-D Oooh, there's a recipe here for wild rice hotdish... FOCUS, FOCUS!!! *ahem* Okay. Here are some of the ingredients I *think* are i...

random thoughts

D.W.Q.M.: The Brigadier: "Do you know what you're doing?" the Third Doctor: "My dear chap, I can't wait to find out." Ahh, so much to say, so little time, so I thought I would do a random thoughts post: Happy Spring, everybody! (a few days late, I know) Although it doesn't seem like spring here today-rainy and cold. ick. (I like the cold-I don't like rain and cold) ;) There was a little trouble with the server that hosts my comments yesterday, but they are back up and running. I also turned on the smileys option-so you'll get an actual image when you type one in. :) Unfortuantely I don't have a list of all the possible codes for the smileys-oh, well. They still look neat on my comments! ;) Three days until Doctor Who returns!! 2 more weeks and it hits Canada... Now if only a network in the U.S. of A. would pick it up, too... Outpost Gallifrey has, among other cool things, an episode guide to the new series-listing titles, airdat...

Happy Birthday....

D.W.Q.M.: "I'm only 749. Used to be even younger." -the Fourth Doctor Happy Birthday, Mom!! Hope you have fun up north with Al and the kiddies-wish I was there, too! Love ya!

may the luck of the Irish be with you...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everybody!! in an unrelated announcement: Go Gophers!! :)

Hippo, birdie, two ewes...

D.W.Q.M.: "Well, if we count in Earth terms I suppose I must be about four hundred...yes, about 450 years old! ... Yes. Well. Quite." -the Second Doctor Happy Birthday, Peresphone!!! "You're older than you've ever been, and now you're even older, And now you're even older, And now you're even older. You're older than you've ever been, and now you're even older, And now you're older still." -Older, by TMBG. Nah, you 're quite a youngin'! Check it out: The Doctor-see quote above. That was then. Now he's between 700-900 (depending on which incarnation you talk to...) ;) Mr. Humphries: "She [my mother] always says, 'I'm older than me nose, and I little bit older than me teeth." Mr. Granger: "I'm a great deal older than my teeth." Bra'tac: "Not bad, for a man of a hundred and thrity-five." Yoda: "When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not. Hmmm?" L...

Exploding cds...

D.W.Q.M.: "Computers are really just sophisticated idiots." -the Fourth Doctor This is actually something I meant to post last month. I was sort of waiting to see how everything would play out, (*hehe* play ) *ahem* sorry. ...before posting the story. Okay, so, several weeks ago, I was working on pre-order searches, listening to a cd that I had borrowed from the Cuyahoga County Library in my cd rom drive on my computer. The cd was on the second to the last track, when I heard what appeared to sound like a loud snap, then a pop. (hey, if there had been a crackle, we could've had rice crispies.) *ahem* sorry ;) Well, I wasn't the only one who had heard the noise-several of my coworkers around me heard it as well. It sounded like something had fallen. I paused my cd (which was still playing), then stood up, looked around, saw nothing was amiss, then sat back down and unpaused my music. The cd happily played along to the end of the track... ...that's when the ...

Doctor Who news

D.W.Q.M.: "...[the Time Lords] delight in devious." -the Fifth Doctor 18 days, 6 hours, and 12 minutes! (according to the countdown on Outpost Gallifrey ) Now, I thought I read about this on Outpost Gallifrey, but I can no longer find the link to it... The Breakfast programme on BBC Radio FiveLive had a short bit about the new series. They played part of the old theme which then transitioned into the new theme (which is totally sweet, I might add) Unfortunately, since it is a daily program, and they are only 6 hours ahead of us, it will only be available in their Listen Again schedule until about midnight tonight. (sorry guys-i only found out about this myself this morning.) I showed it to a couple of my coworkers who are Doctor Who fans-since they haven't watched the show in a while, they didn't catch when it changed from the old to the new. Since I have been watching old episodes on a regular basis for who knows how long, I noticed the change. I used to b...

new updates...

D.W.Q.M.: "I can see you've been doing the TARDIS up a bit..." -the Second Doctor Well, actually, only one update so far-I've updated my index page with new graphics! :) There are three buttons that don't actually link to anything yet, but I'm working on those pages and they'll be my next updates to my main site. I want to add a few more side bar links to my blog, but I haven't quite gotten around to those yet. ;) Feel free to check out my new index page!

March Night Sky

D.W.Q.M.: "If you could touch the alien sand, and hear the cry of strange birds, and watch them wheel in another sky, would that satify you?" -the First Doctor Hello everyone! It's the beginning of a new month! Today's Astronomy post is brought to you by Sky & Telescope . Spring begins at the vernal equinox, March 21 st , 7:33 a.m. (EST) Happy spring!! Planets during the night Mercury is very low in the horizon this month-setting about an hour after the sun. Between March 5 th and March 15 th , it will be fairly easy to see low in the west. Since there are no bright stars near the planet, any point of light you see at dusk is likely to be Mercury. :) Saturn is high in the sky at dusk, and will be perfect for observing all evening. Since it's only two months past opposition, it is still quite bright. Jupiter will be rising earlier and earlier each evening during March. It should peek above the horizon about 8:30pm. Mars doesn't rise until around 4 ...

Doctor Who news

D.W.Q.M.: "Yes. Well, I'll tell you something that should be of vital intrest to you. That you sir, ARE A NITWIT!" -the Third Doctor Sad news for us US fans from Outpost Gallifrey The SciFi network is not in negotiations with the BBC to air the new Doctor Who series. Grrr... Yes, it was only a rumor, but that's not why I am so upset. It's about the article I read on IGN that has me so upset. According to IGNFF sources, the network execs have already had the opportunity to bring the series to the US, but passed after viewing a couple of episodes. They claimed that the series was "somewhat lacking" and didn't think it would fit into the networks schedule. Somewhat lacking?!?!?! This, coming from the network that proudly airs such crap as Tripping the Rift, Scare Tactics, and the 'reality series' Mad, Mad House. (just to name a few) This, from the network which barely had any advertizing for the frellin' awesome Farscape Mini...