Yes. It's winter. WOO!

D.W.Q.M.: the First Doctor: "Pretty soon we shall be having visitors."
Ben: "Vistors? What, 'ere? Well, who do you think's bringing them? Father Christmas on his sledge?"

We are being walloped by Mother Nature-we're not quite as bad as those farther along on the east coast, but it's bad enough that they are showing pictures of us on the nation news. No, I'm not complaining-as my friends would probably say, I asked for it. ;) I wasn't really planning on writing about it, except that something amusing happened early this afternoon.

I was standing at the bus stop, all bundled up with snow falling around me-waiting for the bus patiently when this total stranger walks up to me and says, 'Did you order all this? You look like you're enjoying yourself entirely too much.' LOL-am I that obvious?
A few more winter-minded random thoughts:

Explain to me this: Why on earth do 4 snow plows need to drive up and down the same plowed street when there are plenty of other streets that need plowing?

I keep saying that any temp above 25 degrees in January is too warm. Most of my friends think I'm nuts...but I do have a few who agree with me, and who also love snow. In order to protect their dignity, I will not disclose their names in this blog. LOL. (they are out there, trust me). ;)

I had a strong feeling of nostalgia as I was trudging through the snow this afternoon: snow caked on my boots and jeans up to my knees, cold wind whipping at my face... Ahhh, just like winter in Minnesota-only thing missing are the snowbanks that are taller than me. Considering I was much shorter back then, I really don't need those... ;)

On a more serious note: I hope all my friends who are being affected by these storms are staying warm. And for those who have to travel, be safe!!
