
Showing posts from January, 2005

a quick note:

D.W.Q.M.: "I hate computers, and I refuse to be bullied by them." -the Second Doctor Just a quick note-I'm not sure when I'll be updating my site again-I've been really busy at work (no time for lunchtime posts!) and my ppp connection at home has been acting up for a couple of days now. They're trying to fix it, but I don't know when they'll be successful! So, until then, adieu! (i'll try to sneak in a post at least once a week, somehow-even if it's just a small one.) :)

Yes. It's winter. WOO!

D.W.Q.M.: the First Doctor: "Pretty soon we shall be having visitors." Ben: "Vistors? What, 'ere? Well, who do you think's bringing them? Father Christmas on his sledge?" We are being walloped by Mother Nature-we're not quite as bad as those farther along on the east coast, but it's bad enough that they are showing pictures of us on the nation news. No, I'm not complaining-as my friends would probably say, I asked for it. ;) I wasn't really planning on writing about it, except that something amusing happened early this afternoon. I was standing at the bus stop, all bundled up with snow falling around me-waiting for the bus patiently when this total stranger walks up to me and says, 'Did you order all this? You look like you're enjoying yourself entirely too much.' LOL-am I that obvious? ------------------------------ A few more winter-minded random thoughts: Explain to me this: Why on earth do 4 snow plows need...

The Ford Ranger Truck Saga, part 1

D.W.Q.M.: "Didn't you find two angry men stuck to my car?" -the Third Doctor This is a story in two parts: part 2 can be found on Persephone's blog just as soon as she has time to write it. ;) I promised that I'd have my part written by, here goes! This is a story about a man and his what better way to start than to talk about another man and his car? wait for it... Okay, so it's 6pm on January 7th (actually, Jerm will argue that it's after 6pm) Anyhoo, he picks me up for our usual outing to McDs on a Friday night. As I get in the car, he begins to tell me about how he started to back out of P^2's driveway, realized he wasn't straight, and then realized that he couldn't fix it because he was starting to slide. (Oh, for the audience who may not know-P^2's driveway is on an incline, and has retaining walls on both sides). Lucky for him, he was on a straighter path than he originally thought, so he mad...

January Night Sky

D.W.Q.M.: "If you could touch the alien sand, and hear the cry of strange birds, and watch them wheel in another sky, would that satisfy you?" -the First Doctor I know this post is extremely late-I even considered skipping it for this month-but I really want to post one of these every month, so this particular post is really just highlights from the month, plus a couple of things to lookout for. ;) Today's astronomy post is brought to you by Sky and Telescope Interesting days (nights) of note: January 2nd: Earth at perihelion (Earth is closest to the Sun) January 3rd: Quadrantid meteor shower peaks. January 13th: Saturn reaches opposition to the sun. And now for some notes for events that still have potential this month ;) : Comet Machholz Due to cloudy skies here in Cleveland on the 7th, we were unable to find the comet when it was near the Pleiades. Friday night, Jerm, Adam and I braved the cold wind chill and attempted to locate the...

An anniversary, of sorts...for my Mom. :)

D.W.Q.M.: "You may be a doctor, but I'm The Doctor. The definite article, you might say." -the Fourth Doctor Just a quick note-today is an anniversary for my mom. The anniversary of...becoming a mommy!!!! To my Mom: Happy anniversary, MOMMY! ;) Guess what happened *cough,cough* years ago today? :) LOVE YA!

How to Root for a Football Team 101.

D.W.Q.M.: "You know, I am so constantly outwitting the opposition, I tend to forget the delight and satisfaction of the arts... the gentle art of fisticuffs." -the First Doctor Since it's the beggining of a new semester here at CWRU, and the playoffs are now in full swing, I thought I would offer a class in chosing the proper team to root for during the playoffs. Examples will be in reference to my personal choices and will be in parentheses and bold, (like so) . :) Please pay attention and feel free to ask questions if something is unclear. We will be using the 5-point system: 1. First of all, always root for your favorite team, if they make it into the playoffs. (Green Bay Packers) (well, duh.) 2. If your team loses early in the playoffs, especially to your arch enemies, root for the next team your enemies will play (Philedephia Eagles) 3. In addition, root for a friend's team who also happened to be rooting for your team, and consoled you in yo...

Epiphany and other thoughts

D.W.Q.M.: "One for casual, one for best." -Romana2 Today, January 6th, marks Epiphany, the climax of the Christmas season, and the Twelve Days of Christmas (although, if you do your counting right, you'll know that the 12th day of Christmas is actually December 5th, also called the Twelfth Night.) Epiphany, or Three Kings Day as it is known in some cultures, is the celebration of the adoration of the Magi. One of my coworker's sister's family celebrates Three Kings day. Some traditions include taking down the Christmas tree (which I used to do-until I decided that I wanted to keep it up until my birthday. ;) ), and giving small gifts. My mother used to give us small gifts-one for each of the twelve days of christmas-usually they were candy or small ornaments. To all my friends who celebrate it, "Happy Three Kings Day!" :) Well, I was planning on posting my New Years resolutions just after the new year, but I've broken most of them already...