lucky little sis :)

D.W.Q.M.: "Our destiny is in the stars, so lets go and search for it." -the First Doctor

My sister is one lucky brat. LOL. Last night, she was standing outside her home, talking to a friend, when she looked up at the sky and screamed, "Oh, my God! I'll call you right back! Gotta call my sister!"

She saw the aurora, right above her home! I figured she was far enough up north and away from any major city lights to get a good show, but this is the first time she's noticed it. Quite a display, too, from what I hear. She described it as green and red, but mostly green from her viewpoint-and pulsating quite a bit. Since the sun was setting (it was about 6:00 CST), she said it was getting brighter and more spectacular by the minute. She brought out the kiddies so they could see the display, too. Lucky ducks! From what she described, the image looks something like
this. (even though this image is from Newfoundland, Canada.) She was really excited-heck, I would be too! :) I was excited for her. :) :)

This was a pretty strong display. I was a little disappointed that I didnt' receive an astro alert about any flare activity, but that's okay. I hear it was visible in Ohio-there were reports from Lorrain about auroral activity last night. I went outside to look, but I didn't see much-too cloudy, and too much city light. Oh, well! Here's a link to some pics from Long Island.

According to the Solar Terrestrial Dispatch, there was a major class X2 solar flare today-they predict that it might hit Earth on November 9th or 10th. Remember, the X class flares are the strongest-last years' end of October displays were X17 and above. But you never know-there was a pretty strong showing last night-and one of the image contributors from the STD thought it was better than last years!

In other news, I'm working on 4 "projects" this week-baby shower games! I'm in charge of the games for the baby shower I'm going to this weekend. :) I'm also in the process of taking down my Halloween stuff and putting up my Thanksgiving stuff-I'm almost finished taking the stuff down... I need to work on my sister's baby blanket some more-no change since I last updated you all about that-I do need to post the picture I have, though... I'm also finally working on updating my Travel Dog page! Hopefully I will finish it soon. :)
