Random Thoughts-the lunchtime blogging edition

D.W.Q.M: "That is the dematerializing control. And that, over yonder, is the horizontal hold. Up there is the scanner, those are the doors, that is a chair with a panda on it. Sheer poetry, dear boy. Now please stop bothering me." - The First Doctor

Random Stargate quote: "You ended that sentence with a preposition...Bastard!" -Col. Jack O'Neill

Today's random thoughts are brought to you by the letters "T", "A", "C", and "O". ;)

"T is for the Tastiness
A is for Amazing
C is 'cuz they're oh so Crunchy
O is for "Oh, Ella spilled some bean on her shirt again!"

N is because I Never get enough
I is for the Insides all full of meaty goodness
G is for the aforementioned Goodness
H is 'cuz they make me happy
T is looking forward Terrific Taco Night
(or maybe Tantilizing Titty-Wrestling, I can't decide.)"

(Taco email submitted by Jerm)

Come, join in on the fun!
Book Meme (via Bloggity-Blog-Blog-Blog, via Tangognat, and the list goes on from there)
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

"Then those of the Ainur who desired it arose and entered into the world at the beginning of Time; and it was their task to achieve it, and by the labours to fulfil the vision which they had seen." -J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion

Sweet, I'm Gandalf:
Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Marriages, houses, babies: It seems almost everyone I know is doing one of the following: getting married, buying a house, or having a baby. When I said that I feel like I'm missing out on something, my friend Tina (who is due in June) said, 'Nah, you're just focused.' LOL.

Speaking of babies, my Sister and Jon are going to try to have another one! If successful, it will be her second, his third, and their fourth...(well, fifth if you count the dog.) ;) *heehee*

Apparently there is a new movie out that is "named" after me. It's called "Ella Enchanted". Now, I have seen nothing what so ever about this movie! Yet I have been asked by family, friends....(even coworkers!) about how I feel about it. :) Yeah, I know I could easily look it up online, but I'm waiting to see a commercial or something for it first. (yeah, we'll see how long that lasts! LOL) Apparently it's a sweet kiddie movie-sounds cool to me! 8-D

So I use my Yahoo email account for my list-serve emails. I belong to several from Sky and Telescope, including a comets list. Well, Monday they sent out a comet announcement, which generated a worm of some kind, so right after the mail came, we started getting virus alerts. Apparently someone had hacked into the list somehow, and planted the worm to release with the next comet announcement. So the past couple of days I have been deleting a few virus alerts, and at least 100 'unsubscribe' emails!! Come on, people! You can not unsubscribe to a list by replying to the list itself!!! Geez, even I know that! Several people started sending messages to get people to stop (a futile effort, I might add, 'cause no body seemed to be paying attention to them.) I read some of the unsubscribe instructions. One of my favorites was from a guy who said, '...and the sad part is, you people are supposed to be intelligent!' LOL! It finally seems to have died down (*knock on wood*) so hopefully S&T will be able to fix the problem so it doesn't happen again.

For those of you in Italian band who read my blog, or those who are just curious to know our schedule, I posted our summer schedule here. I'll probably leave it up until the end of the summer, or until Italian band gets a new website. (cleveland.com stopped supporting their free community websites several months ago)

Speaking of websites-I actually worked on some pages this weekend! I don't have anything that's ready to publish yet, but I'm working on it! I will be updating my front porch soon, though. Since Easter is over, but Marcon is coming soon (only 43 more days!), I picked out a few pics from last year's Marcon for my front porch...now all I have to do is find the time to scan them in!! ;)

Scarf update: 811/830 rows! (we're coming up on the home stretch here, folks!!!)
