Holiday Cheer!
D.W.Q.M.: "Please, do not throw hands at me." -D84 (from 'The Robots of Death')
Ah, my little sister is at it again-trying to trick me into telling her what she is getting for Christmas...I think she is starting early this year...
But before we get into that...
As I was getting off the bus in front of the library this morning, I noticed that someone, or a group of someones (probably students, taking a break from finals which are in full swing) made a fricken' huge snowman in front of the library! this thing was so big we were wondering how the heck they managed to get the head on! I was telling Jerm that I wish I had a camera to take a picture of it before it melted or was destroyed, and he told me to draw a picture. This is what I came up with:
His eyes and buttons were made of apples, his nose-an orange, and his mouth was a banana! I loved the way the branches were positioned for his arms-made it look like he was posing for a picture. I was showing my drawing to Karen, and she suggested that I ask Carmen about borrowing the library's digital camera to take a picture. Duh! I forgot about the library's camera! Carmen gave me the okay, so I went outside and took a few shots. When I brought the camera back, she told me that she'd have one of her students download the pics and then email them to me. Hopefully I will get them soon, and if I do, I'll try to post them before I leave. Unfortunately, by the time I left work, someone had already moved the arms into a more "traditional snowman" position-oh, well-at least I was able to take some pictures! Several of my coworkers saw me out there taking pictues, so they can't wait to see them. LOL.
This year we are having a snowflake making contest at our annual library holiday party. I guess this used to be an annual event as well, but they haven't been doing it for a few years (like the last 4, at least.) Carl makes the best snowflakes-he's won something like three years in a row...WOW! As for me? Well, lets just say I'm trying. When Jerm came over on Sunday, he caught me in the middle of a snowflake. He joined in and made a few himself, while showing me how to fold the paper to make a six-sided flake. I made a few more tonight, but nothing that I want to turn in yet. I'll try again tomorrow-maybe I'll try to find some thinner paper-I have until Wenesday to turn one in. Right now, if you were to gather up all the snowflakes and toss them in the air, my apartment would look like it had been hit by a blizzard!
Now for my sister-every year, my sister manages to find out what she's getting for Christmas-no matter what we do or say, she somehow manages to trick us into telling her. Every year she does this. Every year! I think I fooled her once-but it was for a little present that I gave her, not the big one. It's virtually impossible to figure out what she's getting you. When my mom was visiting me back in September, we found something that we thought my sister might like, and bought it for her for Christmas. I am quite impressed that my mom hasn't fallen for any of her tricks yet, and she still doesn't know. My sister called me tonight, and this is basically how our conversation went:
Romana's Little Sis: "Hi, what are you getting me for Christmas?"
Romana (playing dumb): "Hey. I don't know yet."
RLS: "Aww, come on, tell me!"
R: "I don't know!"
RLS: "Have you looked on eBay for those dolls I want?"
R: "The Madame Alexander ones? No, I haven't had the chance" Brilliant, Ro, just brilliant-that's what you said about those Elvis Presley cards you got her for her birthday-now she'll probably think that she's getting those dolls... "Seriously, I haven't looked." Oh, yeah That's convincing.
RLS: "Mom says the two of you got me something, and it's something you would like too."
R: "Maybe."
RLS: "So what are you getting your niece for Christmas?"
R: "Hmm...I don't know yet."
RLS: "Would you get her a Cabbage Patch kid?"
R: "Hmm...I'll think about it."
RLS: "So what are you getting me?"
R: "I'm not telling you!"
RLS: "Is it something practical?"
R: "...huh?"
RLS: "Practical would be appliances, stuff I could use around the house."
R: "Oh, no. P^2 got me a Brett Favre Jersey-guess where I'm going to wear it first?"
RLS: "Hahaha-blah. You know, I almost cheered for a team because they had a cute quarterback-I was going to get his jersey, but I don't remember who he was now."
R: "Haha-must not have been that cute."
RLS: " what are you guys getting me?"
R: "Nice try-no way."
RLS: "Come on-mom said it is something you'd like too, but I can't figure out what it would be..." Watch it Ro! She's starting to spin her web! "I mean, you and I have such different tastes..."
R: "Sheesh! All I said when mom found it that you were a lucky brat and that if you ever said that mom never gets you anything cool, I'd kick your butt." (I swear I said that with love. ;) )
RLS: "Well than, what is it?"
R: "I'm not telling you. Hey, have you talked to Shan lately?"
RLS: "No, but I was going to earlier."
R: "You should call her so we can all try to get together. I've done everything I can-only you know your work schedule best."
RLS: "Okay, okay, okay-I'll try to remember. Hey, Mom told me what you guys are getting me."
R: "Haha, nice try. NO."
RLS: "ARrrrrrgggg..."
This went on for a little while longer until she gave up for the night-but I can guarentee you that she hasn't given up totally yet. I bet she's hoping that we she sees me in person, my face will give it away. (She's done that before) That really only works when she starts to rattle of gift ideas, and comes across the one I got her. This time I am pretty sure she has absolutely no idea what it is, so there's no way she can randomly guess it. What are we getting her you may ask? Are you kidding! There's no way I'm going to write it here! With my luck she'll actually get online and find my blog... ;)
Ah, my little sister is at it again-trying to trick me into telling her what she is getting for Christmas...I think she is starting early this year...
But before we get into that...
As I was getting off the bus in front of the library this morning, I noticed that someone, or a group of someones (probably students, taking a break from finals which are in full swing) made a fricken' huge snowman in front of the library! this thing was so big we were wondering how the heck they managed to get the head on! I was telling Jerm that I wish I had a camera to take a picture of it before it melted or was destroyed, and he told me to draw a picture. This is what I came up with:

His eyes and buttons were made of apples, his nose-an orange, and his mouth was a banana! I loved the way the branches were positioned for his arms-made it look like he was posing for a picture. I was showing my drawing to Karen, and she suggested that I ask Carmen about borrowing the library's digital camera to take a picture. Duh! I forgot about the library's camera! Carmen gave me the okay, so I went outside and took a few shots. When I brought the camera back, she told me that she'd have one of her students download the pics and then email them to me. Hopefully I will get them soon, and if I do, I'll try to post them before I leave. Unfortunately, by the time I left work, someone had already moved the arms into a more "traditional snowman" position-oh, well-at least I was able to take some pictures! Several of my coworkers saw me out there taking pictues, so they can't wait to see them. LOL.
This year we are having a snowflake making contest at our annual library holiday party. I guess this used to be an annual event as well, but they haven't been doing it for a few years (like the last 4, at least.) Carl makes the best snowflakes-he's won something like three years in a row...WOW! As for me? Well, lets just say I'm trying. When Jerm came over on Sunday, he caught me in the middle of a snowflake. He joined in and made a few himself, while showing me how to fold the paper to make a six-sided flake. I made a few more tonight, but nothing that I want to turn in yet. I'll try again tomorrow-maybe I'll try to find some thinner paper-I have until Wenesday to turn one in. Right now, if you were to gather up all the snowflakes and toss them in the air, my apartment would look like it had been hit by a blizzard!
Now for my sister-every year, my sister manages to find out what she's getting for Christmas-no matter what we do or say, she somehow manages to trick us into telling her. Every year she does this. Every year! I think I fooled her once-but it was for a little present that I gave her, not the big one. It's virtually impossible to figure out what she's getting you. When my mom was visiting me back in September, we found something that we thought my sister might like, and bought it for her for Christmas. I am quite impressed that my mom hasn't fallen for any of her tricks yet, and she still doesn't know. My sister called me tonight, and this is basically how our conversation went:
Romana's Little Sis: "Hi, what are you getting me for Christmas?"
Romana (playing dumb): "Hey. I don't know yet."
RLS: "Aww, come on, tell me!"
R: "I don't know!"
RLS: "Have you looked on eBay for those dolls I want?"
R: "The Madame Alexander ones? No, I haven't had the chance" Brilliant, Ro, just brilliant-that's what you said about those Elvis Presley cards you got her for her birthday-now she'll probably think that she's getting those dolls... "Seriously, I haven't looked." Oh, yeah That's convincing.
RLS: "Mom says the two of you got me something, and it's something you would like too."
R: "Maybe."
RLS: "So what are you getting your niece for Christmas?"
R: "Hmm...I don't know yet."
RLS: "Would you get her a Cabbage Patch kid?"
R: "Hmm...I'll think about it."
RLS: "So what are you getting me?"
R: "I'm not telling you!"
RLS: "Is it something practical?"
R: "...huh?"
RLS: "Practical would be appliances, stuff I could use around the house."
R: "Oh, no. P^2 got me a Brett Favre Jersey-guess where I'm going to wear it first?"
RLS: "Hahaha-blah. You know, I almost cheered for a team because they had a cute quarterback-I was going to get his jersey, but I don't remember who he was now."
R: "Haha-must not have been that cute."
RLS: " what are you guys getting me?"
R: "Nice try-no way."
RLS: "Come on-mom said it is something you'd like too, but I can't figure out what it would be..." Watch it Ro! She's starting to spin her web! "I mean, you and I have such different tastes..."
R: "Sheesh! All I said when mom found it that you were a lucky brat and that if you ever said that mom never gets you anything cool, I'd kick your butt." (I swear I said that with love. ;) )
RLS: "Well than, what is it?"
R: "I'm not telling you. Hey, have you talked to Shan lately?"
RLS: "No, but I was going to earlier."
R: "You should call her so we can all try to get together. I've done everything I can-only you know your work schedule best."
RLS: "Okay, okay, okay-I'll try to remember. Hey, Mom told me what you guys are getting me."
R: "Haha, nice try. NO."
RLS: "ARrrrrrgggg..."
This went on for a little while longer until she gave up for the night-but I can guarentee you that she hasn't given up totally yet. I bet she's hoping that we she sees me in person, my face will give it away. (She's done that before) That really only works when she starts to rattle of gift ideas, and comes across the one I got her. This time I am pretty sure she has absolutely no idea what it is, so there's no way she can randomly guess it. What are we getting her you may ask? Are you kidding! There's no way I'm going to write it here! With my luck she'll actually get online and find my blog... ;)