Tap, Tap, Is this thing on?!
Once again, I've neglected this blog. A lot has happened since 2018. A LOT. I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with this space, but I'll think of something. I originally thought I would start blogging again during the pandemic-but as you can see, that never happened (although since we're still in it, I guess it's not too late to start. 😉) I used to be quite the blogger-I was looking at some of my first posts and I had these long, great entries. Then the entries became shorter and shorter, until I just stopped. I don't really know why-laziness perhaps? I was attending a virtual book launch party for my friend Marie Vibbert and one of the other attendee's asked if she was the only non-writer. I assured her she wasn't, as I also am not a writer. One thing led to another and I started talking about my blog and what I had originally intended for it (I think I was going to talk about my trading card addiction hobby. 😂), and that I j...