Happy 50th Doctor Who!!!!!!

It's here!! It's here!!!! The 50th Anniversary of my most favorite television program on Earth! Happy 50th Doctor Who!!! I've been watching Doctor Who since I've been a tiny little thing. My first episode was The Time Warrior. Since I was so young, I didn't remember much of the story until almost two decades later when I finally got my hands on a VHS copy. (Yes you youngin's, BEFORE dvd/blu-ray players!) ;) The thing I remembered most from the episode was when the Third Doctor first met Sarah Jane. She had just walked into the room she was sharing with the Doctor and Prof. Rubish and tried to pull off pretending to be her Aunt Lavinia. (of course the Doctor saw right through that!) ;) Doctor Who was a family affair in our household. Our local PBS station in Minneapolis, KTCA (now TPT, I think...) aired Doctor Who on Friday and Saturday nights-although they did try a little bit of everything, it seemed. Friday and Saturday wer...