My name is Romana, and I have a pumpkin problem. :) I don't know when, or how it started, but in the past few months, I have come to realize that I have a problem. ;) I love pumpkins!! I already have the Libbys pumpkin for Thanksgiving and Christmas pies. Last weekend I went to the Country Living Fair down in Columbus with my friends Bob& Julie. Of course, this was my favorite display: (by the way, this was a really cool trip-will have to post more about this before the season is over ;)) I was the one who insisted on trying to grow pumpkins in the Garden@Case-since the garden was new this year, we didn't really know what to expect-certainly not this! At one point we had 5 pumpkins growing-unfortunately, two rotted out, and a third was picked and then tossed on the sidewalk by vandals. *arrrg* I really, really wanted the surviving pumpkin, so with the help of my coworkers, we brought this bad boy home! We weighed the pumpkin using my bathroom scale-it is about 85 pounds!!!...